Hi! I’m Madi Murphy. I’ve searched my whole life to find my passion. Little did I know, I had been practicing my... more
INNER MONOLOGUE MONDAY. Is this a new Monday tradition? Maybe. This episode bounces between pop culture, random IMDb facts, wedding talk, and... more
Try Superhuman risk-free for 14 days and for a limited time only, get over 60% off your subscription by going... more
TODAY'S SPONSORS: CLEAN SIMPLE EATS: Go to CLEANSIMPLEEATS.COM and use the code BAD10 for 10% off of your order! // SEED: Visit SEED.COM/BAD and use the code 25BAD... more
Getting deep into the pettiness this week with your submitted Petty Petty Princess stories! I hope if you learn anything from... more
My review and thoughts on the movie adaptation of It Ends WIth Us, the PR and marketing surrounding it as... more
The Olympics have consumed the nation for the last few weeks but do you wanna know what has consumed me... more
Dr. Madi is here and ready to take your questions! Dishing out advice on all aspects of life as well... more
Today is a dating app extravaganza! I'm sharing my do's, dont's, woes and wishes for you all as you embark... more
We’re embracing our inner millennial today because today’s episode is all about Disney. I just got back from a family... more
Get ready for a fantast-ICK episode today as we discuss the things you're struggling to get over with your significant... more