Everyone fails period! Learn how to fail better so that you can fail less, or perhaps discover that you're not actually failing... more
In this episode I chat with artist development and performance coach Keanna KJ Rose Henson. KJ has worked with artists... more
In this episode, I sit down with the powerhouse celebrity makeup artist, author, and public speaker, Camara Aunique Helpsyes, that's... more
In this episode I chat with Cornell graduates, former Google and Netflix employees, now podcast hosts, Shelby and Laura. During... more
In this episode I chat with Khabir Muhammad, the visionary CEO and Founder of CreditFixrr. During this fruitful conversation we... more
In this episode I chat with Greg Wasserman, a master connector and sought-after podcast consultant known for helping startups build... more
In this episode, I chat with Minista Jazz, who is a digital soul artizan and Afrofuturism leader. Together we dive... more
In this episode I sit down with Juan Blocker aka AP, the Accountability Partner. During our conversation we discuss his... more
In this episode I chat with Jessica Hurley, founder of EPYK Media and Network, a top podcast agency in Tampa... more
***Please forgive the audio in the first 7 minutes. We had some audio issues we had to work though.*** In... more
Is Black culture both a gift and a curse? In this episode I chat with Darryen "Rich" Richardson, whos a... more