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E-Commerce for Starters with Rachit Hegde
E-Commerce for Starters with Rachit Hegde
Rachit Hegde

Ecommerce for Starters is a podcast for people who want to set up an ecommerce store but have no idea how to... more

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Q&A with Rachit - Session 1

In this episode on 'E-commerce for Starters' Rachit takes up some of the common questions and answers them on the... more

06 May 2020 · 13 minutes
Ep. 03: No website, no problem!

Would you like to set up an online store with ZERO investment? Most people seem to hesitate when it comes to... more

03 May 2020 · 7 minutes
Ep. 02: How to choose an E-commerce platform.

In this episode, Rachit discusses the 5 factors you need to consider before selecting a platform for your online store.

26 Apr 2020 · 4 minutes
Ep. 01: Do you really need an E-Commerce Site?

People often dive into building an eCommerce website without a plan in place and with no clue what to do... more

26 Apr 2020 · 5 minutes
Introduction to E-Commerce for Starters with Rachit Hegde

Ecommerce for Starters is a podcast for people who want to set up an eCommerce store but have no idea... more

23 Apr 2020 · 1 minute
E-Commerce for Starters with Rachit Hegde
Q&A with Rachit - Session 1
E-Commerce for Starters with Rachit Hegde
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