Asia Pacific Forum (APF), is a unique public affairs podcast on Asian and Asian American culture, politics, history and current events. Since... more
As we head into the Second Trump Administration, we’re taking stock of what’s been happening in politics within and around... more
This Pride Month episode is a special tribute to a former APF collective member and dear friend Hyun Lee, who... more
For decades, Corky Lee depicted the struggles, joys, conflicts and connections that make up the warp and weft of everyday... more
Over the past few years, the Asian American community has been navigating the country’s tumultuous racial and ethnic politics in... more
In this episode, we look at the significance of the cotton ban from Xiang, untangle the data around the increase... more
In this post-election special (thank god it's over), we look at how the election has affected Asian American communities, and... more
Asian America on the Black-led Uprising for Racial Justice The Black Lives Matters protests that have spread around the country for... more
Since our last episode, the world seems to have been turned upside down. Not only has the COVID-19 pandemic continued... more
Anti-Asian Violence and Discrimination in the Coronavirus Era With the establishment of the United States as the epicenter of the coronavirus... more