Weekly updates and training helps for use with the Bible Studies for Life Kids Curriculum.
The Holy Spirit led Philip to the desert road. Philip met a God-fearing Ethiopian who was reading the prophet Isaiah.... more
God sent John to foretell the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. Prophets in the Old Testament told that the forerunner... more
Nehemiah led the people to rebuild the wall. Even when they faced opposition, they chose to focus on their task... more
Kids: God chose Samson before his birth. Examining Samson’s life, kids can see the different choices he made. Samson chose... more
Kids: David’s men had treated Nabal’s men with kindness. Later, Nabal refused to give food to David’s men. An angry... more
Kids: King Saul wanted to kill David. But David refused to harm Saul, God’s chosen leader. This session can lead... more
Kids: Jesus raised his eyes and said, “Father, I thank you that you heard me. I know that you always... more
When the people returned to Judah, they began to worship God in the place where the temple had been. They... more
Kids: Elijah had just had the “showdown” with the prophets of Baal. Even as strong a man of God as... more
David built the tabernacle so the people would have a more permanent place to worship God. David brought the ark... more