Down is a 24-part science-fiction series from Definitely Human about an expedition into a newly-discovered Antarctic trench, dubbed The Bottomless Pit. The... more
The crew of the DSV Virgil have survived horrors and catastrophes, and now it seems too much to hope for... more
Marion confronts Marcus, but even in his manic, fractured state he is more of a danger than she realises. Sam... more
With Marcus still roaming the Virgil, Marion and Sam must watch each other’s backs to stay alive. But Sam’s instinct... more
The Virgil comes under assault by the Entity, and her crew must work in harmony if they are to have... more
A new and more desperate plan presents itself to the crew. Marion, Charlie and Sam must choose which of them... more
Marcus has found a sort of peace within the trench: the tranquility of purpose. As he labours to thoroughly stymie... more
Desperate measures are required to contact the surface, and Sam has a plan that just might work. But his technical... more
A mechanical failure spells disaster for the crew, as chillingly foretold by the retrieved data recorder. Sam battles with the... more
The creature has pushed Stephen to breaking point, and in the storm of confusion and paranoia, nothing is as it... more
The creature has pushed Sam to breaking point, and in the storm of confusion and paranoia, nothing is as it... more