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Definitely Human

Down is a 24-part science-fiction series from Definitely Human about an expedition into a newly-discovered Antarctic trench, dubbed The Bottomless Pit. The... more

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Part 24: Beyond

The crew of the DSV Virgil have survived horrors and catastrophes, and now it seems too much to hope for... more

18 May 2021 · 26 minutes
Part 23: Epiphany

Marion confronts Marcus, but even in his manic, fractured state he is more of a danger than she realises. Sam... more

11 May 2021 · 17 minutes
Part 22: Gone

With Marcus still roaming the Virgil, Marion and Sam must watch each other’s backs to stay alive. But Sam’s instinct... more

04 May 2021 · 11 minutes
Part 21: Union

The Virgil comes under assault by the Entity, and her crew must work in harmony if they are to have... more

27 Apr 2021 · 11 minutes
Part 20: Entropy

A new and more desperate plan presents itself to the crew. Marion, Charlie and Sam must choose which of them... more

20 Apr 2021 · 16 minutes
Part 19: Synthesis

Marcus has found a sort of peace within the trench: the tranquility of purpose. As he labours to thoroughly stymie... more

19 May 2020 · 16 minutes
Part 18: Reconnaissance

Desperate measures are required to contact the surface, and Sam has a plan that just might work. But his technical... more

12 May 2020 · 14 minutes
Part 17: Invasion

A mechanical failure spells disaster for the crew, as chillingly foretold by the retrieved data recorder. Sam battles with the... more

06 May 2020 · 17 minutes
Part 16: Ghosts

The creature has pushed Stephen to breaking point, and in the storm of confusion and paranoia, nothing is as it... more

28 Apr 2020 · 17 minutes
Part 15: Entity

The creature has pushed Sam to breaking point, and in the storm of confusion and paranoia, nothing is as it... more

21 Apr 2020 · 13 minutes