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English Learning for Curious Minds
English Learning for Curious Minds
Leonardo English

Are you looking for a more interesting way to learn English? English Learning for Curious Minds is a podcast for intermediate-advanced English... more

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#501 | George Best: The Wild Life of Football's Lost Star

 George Best is seen as one of the most naturally talented footballers ever, but off the pitch, he battled demons.  From... more

29 Aug 2024 · 21 minutes
#500 | This is Episode #500

 In this milestone episode, we will deviate from the usual style of weird and wonderful stories. Instead, I'll take you behind... more

22 Aug 2024 · 17 minutes
#498 | Ozempic - The Weight Loss Miracle Drug?

 Some call it a miracle drug, others warn of its potentially damaging long-term effects on people and society.   In this... more

15 Aug 2024 · 17 minutes
#496 | Labour Won The Election. Now What?

 The UK has a new Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, and Labour is back in power.   We discuss what this means... more

08 Aug 2024 · 20 minutes
#494 | The Haitian Revolution

 The Haitian Revolution is a story of extreme violence, hope, and human rights.   Learn how slaves in Saint-Domingue fought against... more

01 Aug 2024 · 37 minutes
#492 | Cool Britannia | 1990s Britain

 In this episode, we'll travel back to the 1990s and uncover the story of "Cool Britannia," a time when Britain... more

25 Jul 2024 · 17 minutes
#490 | JK Rowling & Transgenderism

 JK Rowling, famous for Harry Potter, is now at the centre of a controversial debate on transgender rights.   We'll explore... more

18 Jul 2024 · 19 minutes
#488 | John Stonehouse | The Politician Who Faked His Death

 John Stonehouse, a promising British politician, disappeared off the Miami coast.   Had he drowned in a swimming accident? Had he... more

11 Jul 2024 · 19 minutes
#486 | North vs. South | The Great English Divide

 What's the difference between the North and the South of England?   And when does the "North" end and the "South"... more

04 Jul 2024 · 20 minutes
#484 | Robert Fortune: The Man Who Stole Tea From China

 Robert Fortune, a Scottish botanist, pulled off one of history's greatest acts of corporate espionage: stealing the secrets of tea... more

27 Jun 2024 · 20 minutes
#482 | Ayn Rand & The Philosophy of Objectivism

 Ayn Rand is one of the most controversial thinkers of the 20th century.  In this episode, we'll explore her philosophy of... more

20 Jun 2024 · 20 minutes
#480 | Marcus Aurelius | The Philosopher Emperor

 Meet Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor who combined power with philosophy.   In this episode, we'll learn about his famous work,... more

13 Jun 2024 · 17 minutes
#478 | The UK General Election (2024)

 The British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called an early general election in the UK, surprising many.  We'll explore why... more

06 Jun 2024 · 20 minutes
#476 | The Glasgow Ice Cream Wars

 Ice cream vans can be a sweet memory for many, but for Glasgow in the 1980s, they were anything but.... more

30 May 2024 · 22 minutes
#474 | The Trial Of Amanda Knox (pt1)

 Amanda Knox's study abroad adventure turned into a nightmare when her housemate was brutally murdered and she found all police... more

23 May 2024 · 26 minutes
#472 | Nayib Bukele | “The World’s Coolest Dictator”?

 Nayib Bukele is the self-proclaimed "world's coolest dictator", and he has managed to do what many people thought was impossible... more

16 May 2024 · 21 minutes
#470 | The Collapse Of Venezuela

 In this episode, we'll explore how the country with the largest oil reserves in the world managed to implode, plunging... more

09 May 2024 · 20 minutes
#468 | I Lived In Malta For 7 Years (Part 1)

 I lived in Malta from 2017-2024. In part one of this two-part series, I'll talk about some of my experiences... more

02 May 2024 · 17 minutes
#466 | Adnan Khashoggi | The Richest Man On Earth?

 He became known as “The Great Gatsby of The Middle East”, and once claimed to be the richest man on... more

25 Apr 2024 · 21 minutes
#464 | Will Scotland Ever Be Independent?

 Scotland has had a long and complicated relationship with its southern neighbour. But will it ever break free? In this episode,... more

18 Apr 2024 · 18 minutes
#462 | Fried Mars Bars, Bagpipes & Unusual Scottish Traditions

 In part one of a four-part mini-series on Scotland, we'll explore some unusual Scottish traditions.  From the mythical haggis "creature"... more

11 Apr 2024 · 18 minutes
#460 | Prince Andrew | The Black Sheep of The Royal Family

 Today, we uncover the controversial story of Prince Andrew, the black sheep of the British royal family.   From his ties... more

04 Apr 2024 · 17 minutes
#456 | Fredric Tudor | The Ice King

 In this episode, we'll explore the story of Fredric Tudor, the man who revolutionised the global ice transportation market in... more

21 Mar 2024 · 22 minutes
#454 | The Future of Fertility

 In part three of our mini-series on fertility, we'll explore the intriguing world of future fertility possibilities.   From creating eggs... more

14 Mar 2024 · 19 minutes
#452 | The World’s Shrinking Population

 In part one of a three-part mini-series, we'll look at the global trend of shrinking populations and what it signifies... more

07 Mar 2024 · 23 minutes
#450 | The 1978 World Cup in Argentina

 In this episode, we'll learn about the dramatic story behind the controversial 1978 FIFA World Cup in Argentina.   From political... more

29 Feb 2024 · 20 minutes
#448 | Modern Slavery

 In the final part of our mini-series on slavery, we'll explore the unsettling reality of modern slavery, exploring its prevalence... more

22 Feb 2024 · 19 minutes
#446 | Slavery In The Ancient World

 In part one of a three-part series on slavery, we'll explore the role of slavery in the ancient world.  We'll explore... more

15 Feb 2024 · 19 minutes
#444 | The Amazing Story of Christian The Lion

 It's a short, feel-good tale about a lion called Christian.  In this episode, we'll be telling the heartwarming true story of... more

08 Feb 2024 · 16 minutes
#442 | Shamima Begum | ISIS Bride

 It is a fascinating story that gets you thinking about the age of responsibility, the nature of citizenship, and the... more

01 Feb 2024 · 18 minutes
#440 | The Korean Wave: How K-Pop Conquered the World

 It's the story of how artists from a small, somewhat unexpected country became global music sensations, amassing devoted fans and... more

25 Jan 2024 · 22 minutes
#438 | Bad Science | When Scientists Got It Wrong

 Millions worldwide dedicate their lives to research, striving for medical breakthroughs and enhancing our understanding of the human body. But... more

18 Jan 2024 · 19 minutes
#436 | Transhumanism & The Rise of The Superhumans

 It's the idea that humans can enhance our bodies with the use of technology, all in a bid to allow... more

11 Jan 2024 · 22 minutes
#434 | Edward Snowden | American Patriot or Traitor?

 He is probably the most famous whistleblower in the world after having leaked vast amounts of sensitive US government information... more

04 Jan 2024 · 22 minutes
#432 | The Most Unusual New Year's Eve Traditions

 A New Year's Eve celebration isn't always fireworks. Sometimes it's colourful underwear, dark-haired men rushing into Scottish houses, and smashing... more

28 Dec 2023 · 16 minutes
#430 | What Is Effective Altruism?

 It's an idea and a way of life that is all about doing good, helping others, and improving the world... more

21 Dec 2023 · 23 minutes
#428 | Sanctions: Do They Even Work?

 From export and import controls to asset freezes and travel restrictions, there are various methods for imposing sanctions. But how... more

14 Dec 2023 · 23 minutes
#426 | K-Pop, Zelensky & Cricket | 21st Century Soft Power

 K-Pop, Volodymyr Zelensky, and Indian Cricket – what do these three things have in common? Soft power, of course.  In this... more

07 Dec 2023 · 22 minutes
#424 | A Brief History of Salt

 We all know salt as a simple white seasoning to add to our cooking, but it's much more than that.... more

30 Nov 2023 · 18 minutes
#422 | Jeffrey Epstein | American Sex Offender

 It is a story that brings together billionaires, presidents, princes, private islands, and unfortunately, decades of sexual abuse of underage... more

23 Nov 2023 · 22 minutes
#420 | The Economics of Chicken

 How has a small bird from the jungles of southeast Asia gone on to be the most popular source of... more

16 Nov 2023 · 19 minutes
#418 | The Race To The South Pole

 It is the most amazing story of success, failure against the odds, and a race to get to the bottom... more

09 Nov 2023 · 25 minutes
#416 | The Quest To Find The Origin of The River Nile | Henry Morton Stanley

 He embarked on a perilous journey to explore the Great Lakes of Africa and unravelled the mystery of the Nile's... more

02 Nov 2023 · 17 minutes
#414 | The Quest To Find The Origin of The River Nile | Burton vs. Speke

 It's an amazing story of exploration, near-death experiences, and the most almighty feud.   In part one of our mini-series... more

26 Oct 2023 · 23 minutes
#412 | A Short History of Mental Health

 Mental health – it is a sensitive subject that affects every single one of us, with some of us struggling... more

19 Oct 2023 · 17 minutes
#410 | (Keeping Up With) The Kardashians

 Over the past two decades, this one family has shaped not just American but global culture – but how did... more

12 Oct 2023 · 21 minutes
#408 | Upstairs, Downstairs: The Lives of British Servants

 It was at one point the most popular job in Britain, surpassing professions such as coal mining and factory work.... more

05 Oct 2023 · 20 minutes
#406 | What Does “Lord” Really Mean? An Exploration Of The British Aristocracy.

 "Duke", "Earl", "Lord", and "Baron" – what do these titles actually mean? In part one of our mini-series on British social... more

28 Sep 2023 · 21 minutes
#404 | The Rise And Fall Of The Vanderbilts

 It's a story of how one family went from almost literal slavery to being the richest in the world –... more

21 Sep 2023 · 20 minutes
#402 | The French Foreign Legion

 It is, by some measures, the toughest fighting force in the world – yet it continues to attract people from... more

14 Sep 2023 · 22 minutes
#400 | Degrowth vs E/Acc | How To Save The World

 Degrowth and Effective Accelerationism - two outlooks about the direction in which humanity needs to go to stay alive. But... more

07 Sep 2023 · 19 minutes
#398 | Ernest Shackleton | Antarctic Explorer

 Courageous, resilient, and an incredible leader. Ernest Shackleton was an Antarctic explorer who never gave up in the face of... more

31 Aug 2023 · 23 minutes
#396 | The Extraordinary Life of Kim Dotcom: Hacker, Entrepreneur, Fugitive

 An internet pioneer or a criminal mastermind? The answer depends on who you ask.   In this episode, we explore the... more

24 Aug 2023 · 21 minutes
#394 | What Is Hell?

 For some people, hell is a place of eternal punishment. For others, it's merely a stepping stone on the way... more

17 Aug 2023 · 20 minutes
#392 | Homes, Homelessness & Evolving English

 As time goes by, language continues to evolve.   In this episode, we explore the question of evolving English, and the... more

10 Aug 2023 · 18 minutes
#390 | Edward VIII | The King Who Said No

 He was King of Britain, but only for 325 days before dramatically quitting the job to be with the woman... more

03 Aug 2023 · 27 minutes
#388 | Vardy vs. Rooney | The Battle Of The Footballers’ Wives

 It was a fierce football rivalry fought not on the pitch but on social media and at the High Courts... more

27 Jul 2023 · 21 minutes
#386 | The Creation of The Modern Office

 From cramped cubicles to collaborative open-plan setups, a lot has changed since the creation of the modern office – but... more

20 Jul 2023 · 26 minutes
#384 | Napoleon Bonaparte

 He is a figure who, 200 years after his death, is still held as an example of the glories of... more

13 Jul 2023 · 23 minutes
#382 | Geli Raubal | Hitler’s Murdered Lover?

 When Adolf Hitler's half-niece was found dead in a pool of her own blood, the Nazi party rushed to cover... more

06 Jul 2023 · 21 minutes
#380 | Marc Rich: The King of Oil

 He was a secretive billionaire who would earn the nickname of "The King of Oil".   In this episode, we'll be... more

29 Jun 2023 · 24 minutes
#378 | [2023] Meet the English Learning for Curious Minds podcast

Wondering what The "English Learning for Curious Minds podcast" is all about? Here's an update on how things have been going,... more

22 Jun 2023 · 22 minutes
#376 | Porn & Big Money

 What do some of the biggest porn websites in the industry have in common? They are all owned by a... more

15 Jun 2023 · 28 minutes
#374 | The Rise And Fall of “The Fake Sheikh”

 Dubbed "The King of the Sting" or "The Fake Sheikh", Mazher Mahmood was a journalist who posed as a Middle-Eastern... more

08 Jun 2023 · 24 minutes
#372 | The War on Milk

Milk–this widely common, seemingly unproblematic drink–has become the subject of recent controversy. In this episode, we’ll look into the war on... more

01 Jun 2023 · 19 minutes
#370 | FIFA: The Most Corrupt Name in Sport

 It's the official body responsible for regulating the world's most popular sport, but it is regularly accused of corruption. In this... more

25 May 2023 · 21 minutes
Killing Hitler [episode 1 of Pioneers Of The Continuum]

Listen to the all of Pioneers Of The Continuum 👉 https://link.chtbl.com/pioneers--In episode one of Pioneers Of The Continuum, Winston travels... more

22 May 2023 · 14 minutes
#368 | Britain's Tabloid Culture: A Love-Hate Relationship

British tabloids are notorious for being exaggerated, sensationalist, and stopping at nothing to get a good story. In this episode, we’ll... more

18 May 2023 · 22 minutes
#366 | New York’s Five Families and The Business of Crime - Part I | History & Creation

In the early 20th century, a disorganised bunch of criminals transformed into a criminal empire and made billions in the... more

11 May 2023 · 20 minutes
⚡️Trailer: Pioneers Of The Continuum

Big news. On May 23rd, we are launching a new audio-drama starring your favourite English-language podcasters.Win a limited-edition Pioneers Of... more

09 May 2023 · 4 minutes
#364 | Do Idioms Really Matter?

There are thousands of idioms in the English language. Idioms are often present in the books we read, the shows... more

04 May 2023 · 20 minutes
#362 | Anna Delvey | The Fake German Heiress

Charming, glamorous, and ambitious. Anna Delvey was a wealthy German heiress who would one day inherit a large trust fund... more

27 Apr 2023 · 21 minutes
#360 | Fyre Festival | The Worst Festival In The World

Imagine paying for an exclusive music festival where you get to party with celebrities and supermodels on a private island,... more

20 Apr 2023 · 24 minutes
#358 | Poker Island | How Malta Became A Gambling Hub

It's a tiny rock in the Mediterranean that has become a global hub for online gambling. In this episode, we look... more

13 Apr 2023 · 26 minutes
#356 | The Ku Klux Klan: A History of Hate

It has been called America's most famous hate group and has been terrorising the country for 150 years. In this episode,... more

06 Apr 2023 · 23 minutes
#354 | The Disappearance of Lord Lucan

He was a wealthy English aristocrat who disappeared after the family nanny was found brutally murdered. In this episode, we look... more

30 Mar 2023 · 23 minutes
#352 | Lee Harvey Oswald | The Man Who Killed A President

He was a former American marine who would go on to assassinate one of the most popular presidents in American... more

23 Mar 2023 · 28 minutes
#350 | The Unusual Names of Cocktails

Whether it's Carrie from Sex and the City or the advertising executives in Mad Men, people are drinking more cocktails... more

16 Mar 2023 · 20 minutes
#348 | The Cambridge Five Part III | Beer & Betrayal

The British and Americans were suspicious that there was a mole. They were right; in fact, there were five double... more

09 Mar 2023 · 21 minutes
#346 | The Cambridge Five Part I | The Recruitment

In the early 1930s, five high-flying Cambridge University students were recruited to become Soviet spies. These five men enjoyed decades-long careers... more

02 Mar 2023 · 21 minutes
English Learning for Curious Minds
#354 | The Disappearance of Lord Lucan
English Learning for Curious Minds

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He was a wealthy English aristocrat who disappeared after the family nanny was found brutally murdered. In this episode, we look at the... more