In Those Genes is a podcast that uses genetics to decode the lost histories AND futures of African descended Americans through the... more
There’s a commonly held belief that Black folks are thicker, bigger, and carry more fat than others…but where did this... more
This week we travel to 1989 to a conversation with Dr. Edwards and NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw and we... more
Serena Williams. Usian Bolt. Michael Jordan. Some of the world’s strongest, fastest, and most decorated athletes are Blackity Black.... more
Oral history is such an integral part of our family history and our collective story as African descendents; without our... more
It isn’t hard to point out the person in the room who is clapping off beat. But how can we... more
We all got that one friend that just can’t seem to catch the beat. And yes…yes, they usually are. But... more
After some time traveling, and understanding why we all look so different, it’s time we look at the age old... more
How will humanity continue to evolve? Will our distinct physical features stand the test of time? Do we still adhere... more
Race is a social construct and not a distinction we make in biology. But as humans we do look... more
Is Race Genetic? . “How the World Inherited Blackness” answers a common question by many....."Is race genetic?" This episode takes the listener... more