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Podcasting With Impact: Lead With Your Voice
Podcasting With Impact: Lead With Your Voice
Regina Larko

Learn how to leverage your podcast to build a strong brand, create genuine connections and generate business leads for your coaching practice... more

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When Your Loved Ones Don’t Support Your Podcast

Schedule your complimentary ⁠Podcast Consultation Call with Regina HERE⁠.  Have you ever felt that sinking feeling when you share your podcasting... more

16 Sep 2024 · 22 minutes
Beat the Blues: Reclaiming Your Routine After the Holidays

Schedule your complimentary ⁠⁠Podcast Boss Call with Regina HERE⁠⁠.  Connect with Regina on LinkedIn HERE.  After the holidays, getting back... more

02 Sep 2024 · 15 minutes
This is what holidays sound like ☀️ Summer break

Schedule your complimentary ⁠Podcast Boss Call with Regina HERE⁠.  One of my favorite Austria-based podcasters recently took a break, and guess... more

25 Jul 2024 · 4 minutes
You are exactly where you are supposed to be

In this episode, I want to share a transformative moment from my coaching journey that has shaped my perspective and... more

17 Jul 2024 · 12 minutes
5 Proven Benefits of Podcasting for Coaches

Schedule your complimentary ⁠⁠Podcast Boss Call with Regina HERE⁠⁠.  Whether you’re a life coach, business coach, fitness coach, or any kind... more

01 Jul 2024 · 29 minutes
Damn you, Perfectionism - How to stop obsessing and start enjoying

I have a story to share today—one that’s both embarrassing and hilarious. But more importantly, it taught me a valuable... more

17 Jun 2024 · 15 minutes
6 Common Myths About Sounding Professional on a Podcast

Are you worried that you won’t sound professional enough to start your own podcast? Are you questioning your voice and... more

05 Jun 2024 · 20 minutes
Breaks happen: How to relaunch your Podcast successfully

We get busy, new client work comes in, and sometimes, keeping up with a podcast consistently over the years can... more

03 Jun 2024 · 18 minutes
Too many ideas? Which one to pick?

Let’s start by acknowledging something: having too many ideas is a good problem to have. It means you’re creative, passionate,... more

19 May 2024 · 20 minutes
Overwhelmed with your long to-do list? This will help.

When you want to start or continue your podcast, your do to list is long.  The general perception is that... more

22 Apr 2024 · 17 minutes
Healing in Podcasting

Disclaimer: If you need help, please reach out to professionals to guide you on your healing journey. There is help... more

08 Apr 2024 · 24 minutes
One of the most important questions every podcaster should ask themself

In this episode, we will explore one of the most important questions every podcaster should ask themselves. It has nothing... more

26 Mar 2024 · 8 minutes
How to motivate yourself for the not-fun stuff?

Every podcaster has things on their plate that feel "not-fun." When it comes to your podcast, what is it for you? Editing,... more

11 Mar 2024 · 34 minutes
You are wasting your time [Tough love for aspiring Podcasters inside]

If you've been thinking about starting your own podcast for what feels like an eternity, you need to hear this.... more

27 Feb 2024 · 12 minutes
When disappointment creeps in

In this episode I will talk about disappointment in podcasting and how to look at this inevitable feeling we will... more

21 Feb 2024 · 17 minutes
What's to love about Podcasting? | LIVE at International Podcast Day

What you are about to hear is hands down one of the most beautiful conversations about podcasting I ever had.... more

19 Feb 2024 · 56 minutes
Get more people to listen to your podcast

We all want it - growing our listenership. As we should! We work hard on creating a beautiful podcast. It... more

10 Jan 2024 · 8 minutes
BRAVO 👏 | Reinventions in between by Sara Coggiola

Welcome to the BRAVO series that celebrates the brave and courageous podcast creators that I have the privilege of working... more

14 Nov 2023 · 11 minutes
BRAVO 👏 | Roaming Roots by Veslemøy Klavenes-Berge

Welcome to the BRAVO series that celebrates the brave and courageous podcast creators that I have the privilege of working... more

17 Oct 2023 · 11 minutes
BRAVO 👏 | #resilience by Watson Jordan

Welcome to the BRAVO series that celebrates the brave and courageous podcast creators that I have the privilege of working... more

26 Sep 2023 · 10 minutes
Podcasting With Impact: Lead With Your Voice
What's to love about Podcasting? | LIVE at International Podcast Day
Podcasting With Impact: Lead With Your Voice

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Podcast Republic


What you are about to hear is hands down one of the most beautiful conversations about podcasting I ever had. It all... more