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Harris navigates Netanyahu visit and stance on Israel

Kamala Harris enjoyed a brief period of excitement as Democrats rallied behind her presidential bid ahead of November’s election. Only... more

26 Jul 2024 · 24 minutes
Newsroom edition: what kind of leader do voters want in these chaotic times?

After weeks of chaos on the campaign trail, the new Democratic nominee Kamala Harris has brought some voters new enthusiasm... more

25 Jul 2024 · 24 minutes
How social media is luring men into the Manosphere

Have you ever wondered how the algorithms on social media platforms affect what you see in your feed? That was... more

24 Jul 2024 · 23 minutes
US election: the prosecutor v the convicted felon

Having secured the backing of enough delegates, the US vice-president, Kamala Harris, is on track to become the democratic party’s... more

23 Jul 2024 · 28 minutes
Why are Australian homes so cold?

In a country that is world famous for its beaches and warm weather, winter in most Australian homes is –... more

22 Jul 2024 · 21 minutes
Biden drops out – what happens now?

Joe Biden has withdrawn from the presidential race after weeks of pressure to quit. Four months before Americans head to... more

21 Jul 2024 · 28 minutes
Who cared? The disappearance of Amber Haigh, part 4

There have now been 38 witnesses called in the trial of Robert and Anne Geeves, who are charged with the... more

21 Jul 2024 · 23 minutes
US politics: who is JD Vance, Donald Trump’s candidate for vice-president?

After the attempted assassination of Donald Trump over the weekend, the Republican national convention gathered in Milwaukee this week to... more

19 Jul 2024 · 27 minutes
Newsroom edition: has life for Australians become harder, or does it just feel that way?

For many Australians, as the cost of living continues to bite, it’s easy to feel as though everything is going... more

18 Jul 2024 · 21 minutes
Screaming and freezing: the kids put in Queensland isolation cells

The Queensland government has been proudly promoting what it says is the success of its tough approach to youth crime.... more

17 Jul 2024 · 24 minutes
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Harris navigates Netanyahu visit and stance on Israel
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