Each week Toastie and Jennasis bring you the foundations of the past, the state of Night City today, and news of the... more
Toastie and Jenn talk about the 2.2 patch for 2077 and The Mox gang. Subscribe for more Cyberpunk lore, news, and... more
Jenn and Toastie wrap up the conversation about Watson with the district that V knows best, Little China. Subscribe for... more
Bangin' my AI Super Ex-Girlfriend on the Dark Net and so much more. Toastie, Jenn, and Turbo discuss who we... more
The Watson conversation continues with the Kabuki and Northside districts. Subscribe for more Cyberpunk lore, news, and more! Patreon - Get... more
Jenn and Toastie get back to Night City and discuss Watson. Subscribe for more Cyberpunk lore, news, and more! Patreon -... more
Toastie, Jenn, and Turbo talk about the choices we make for the major decisions in the game. Link is to... more
Jenn and Toastie wrap up their conversation on the Arasaka family with Danger Gal herself, Michiko Arasaka. Subscribe for more Cyberpunk... more
The conversation about the Arasaka family members continues this week with Hanako and Yorinobu Arasaka. Subscribe for more Cyberpunk lore,... more
Jenn and Toastie discuss religion in Cyberpunk with Teecup, a Master of Divinity. We talk about why different religions would... more
We've talked about the corporation but what about the people who run it? Jenn and Toastie reach way back in... more