Dr. Thema Bryant is a licensed psychologist, ordained minister, and sacred artist. Using artistic expression, spirituality, psychology and culture, Dr. Bryant-Davis is... more
Dr. Thema describes what it means to give yourself grace and the importance of self kindness, patience, and understanding. She... more
Dr. Thema describes the path to tranquility and provides strategies for living a more tranquil life. To learn more, order... more
Dr. Thema describes the definition, benefits, and steps to living a purposeful life. This week's episode begins with the poem... more
In this episode, Dr. Thema describes social anxiety, its causes, signs, and most importantly, ways of coping. She also attends... more
Episode #193 Rebirthing Yourself by Dr. Thema
Dr. Thema interviews Dr. Julie Radico about her new book You Will Get Through This: A Mental Health First Aid... more
Dr. Thema talks with therapist, author, and motivational speaker Dr. Marlon Rollins about his sister's death by suicide as well... more
Dr. Thema speaks with life coach, minister, and author SharRon Jamison about "corporate grief" especially for persons with a marginalized... more
Dr. Thema interviews Harold Leffal, health promoter, author, and cancer survivor about his health journey and his desire to help... more
Dr. Thema explores liberation psychology and its importance to your homecoming journey. She provides principles and tips for you to... more