The Emerald explores the human experience through a vibrant lens of myth, story, and imagination. Brought to life through the wise, wild,... more
Practices of guardianship — invoking guardian deities, enlisting spirit help, clearing spaces of questionable energies, and establishing boundaries around ritual,... more
The story of human ritual and cultural tradition is one of depth and deep connection to land, to place, and... more
In the modern world, words like 'law' and 'order' carry with them a good deal of sociocultural baggage, and are... more
In times of global upheaval, ecological destruction, and societal inequity, justice can seem very far away. Justice in the modern... more
Across the globe, the arrival of 'civilization' brought with it the persecution of the seer, the shaman, and the visionary.... more
Across cultures and traditions, there have always been those that speak with the dead, hear voices, enter states of oracular... more
There is... a sound. Many, through the ages, have heard it. It echoes in the world all around us, it... more
Modern discussions on healing individual minds, cultural wounds, and painful societal histories now revolve around the word ‘trauma.’ Yet addressing... more
The rise of Artificial Intelligence has generated a rush of conversation about benefits and risks, about sentience and intelligence, and... more
In the myths and fairytales, everything teems with sentience and agency... Everything is alive. There are talking trees and singing... more