Direct | Soulful | Comedic Advice for female chiropractors most stagnating questions. Getting you unstuck in business, marriage & relationships, self development,... more
This week, Dr. Lauryn is absolutely geeking out on one of her very favorite topics - enneagram! To do so,... more
How annoying is doing your taxes, am I right? And how much MORE annoying is it always wondering if you... more
This week we’ve got the second of our two part series on how to better leverage and empower our Chiropractic... more
Are you tapping into the full potential of your Chiropractic Assistants? Could your practice be missing out on significant growth... more
Are you struggling to make Instagram work effectively for your practice? Or maybe you’ve been ignoring Instagram and social media... more
As chiropractors, we are always looking for the best and most natural paths towards overall health and well-being. One such... more
Have you been hearing all the buzz about AI and wondering if it’s worth the hype? While the brave among... more
Your body keeps score; what does your scoreboard look like? We all know the importance of healing our minds and... more
What does being wealthy mean to you? Does just hearing or saying that word, wealth, have any negative associations to... more
You likely encounter rewards and loyalty offers almost every day—whether it's a credit card promising perks or a business offering... more