Greetings my friend! Thank you for your faith. As a preacher; I preach, minister, and build from a perspective of living on... more
Howdy my friend! Here is Tuesday's live broadcast "The LORD that delivered me... he will deliver me..." of our truth... more
Greetings my dear friend! This "INTERCESSION" We stand in the gap for the people." is a good class done on... more
Greetings my friend! Here is "Hannah prayed, and said my heart rejoiceth in the LORD...I rejoice in thy salvation!" from... more
Howdy my friend! This "The LORD be with you. And they answered him, The LORD bless thee." is a few... more
Greetings my friend! This "What wickedness is this that is done among you?" (look at verse 12, Judges 20)." is... more
Good morning and happy Monday my good friend! This "There was a man... whose name was... " is as always... more
Good morning my friend! This "When serving Christ and becoming faint and tired yet we keep pursuing." is more of... more
Happy day my friend! This here "When we do things that God doesn't like, what does he do?" is our... more
Good morning my friend! This "The highways were unoccupied and the travellers walked through byways." is this mornings class that... more
Good morning! It's a great day... this "The best counsel is to ask the Lord what should be done." is... more