Suzie Eller, Holley Gerth and Jennifer Watson, authors and real-life friends, invite you each week to go deeper, become freer and feel... more
Jennifer shares three truths that can anchor us when we are going through difficult times. ResourcesFreedom by Jennifer
Dr. Merry C Lin shares how you can experience new freedom when you stop living from your “shadow self” and... more
That new thing might be scary, but when you face it head-on, knees shaking, heart hammering, that's brave of you. Resource:... more
Author Morgan Krueger joins us for a conversation about how shame makes us hide and ways we can step into... more
Holley reminds you that you are loved just as much on your worst days as you are on your best,... more
Emily Wierenga, author of God Who Became Bread, shares how God wants to fill us in the ways we long... more
Jennifer encourages us to find the strengths attached to our struggles, exploring ways to build in the support we need... more
When asked what she’s most passionate about, Jennifer shares how approaching our health struggles with compassion and curiosity allows us... more
If you ever worry that your brokenness could keep God from using you, Holley’s words will bring you comfort and... more
Author and speaker Simi John joins us for a conversation about how God meets us in our broken places and... more