True Crime Bullsh** is a serialized, investigative podcast that aims to identify the missing victims of serial killer Israel Keyes. Host Josh... more
As the investigation into Marble Arvidson's disappearance heats up, it takes Josh and the team to a second nearby disappearance... more
Supplemental files in the Marble Arvidson case take the team on a strange journey. New interviews with Marble's friends shine... more
We are in a Berkshire Podcast Festival hangover. We're also in the midst of processing some big new information. Enjoy... more
As the team deep-dives the Mark Oldbury & Jimmy Tidwell cases, Josh develops a timeline, and Kaz finds something important... more
New FOIA files, sightings, information, and the LaPlace cache take us back to Keyes's February trip to Texas and Louisiana.... more
In Louisiana, our investigation into Israel Keyes changes forever. This is a crossover episode with True Crime Garage and Somewhere in... more
Paul Bergrin is a hotshot criminal defense attorney in Newark, New Jersey. Seemingly unstoppable and with unorthodox methods, he’s built... more
Josh, Wine & Crime, and Charlie from Crimelines presented on Mary M. Cosby at the True Crime Podcast Festival. In... more
A young boy goes missing from a beach town in Puerto Rico. Six years later, a man goes missing from... more
Josh and the guys from Somewhere in the Pines present on their collaborative investigation into Israel Keyes, then answer audience... more