A show dedicated to watching, reviewing, and bickering over the entertainment of yesteryear. Whether they're the classics that defined the era, blockbuster... more
Glaring Admissions shall return in... This podcast episode. On the final Glaring Admissions of 2024, Nick and Raekwon sit down... more
Scream! Louder! Scream is a 1996 horror film directed by Wes Craven. It follows a group of teenagers (led by... more
The best movie podcast duo out there (sorry, not sorry) is back to discuss John Landis 1980 musical comedy, The... more
Nick and Raekwon are back to chat about Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick on the latest episode of Glaring... more
Independence Day is a 1996 action/disaster blockbuster that was directed by Roland Emmerich. It stars Bill Pullman, Will Smith, and... more
Mulholland Drive is a 2001 surrealist drama/mystery that was written and directed by David 'Garmonbozia' Lynch. The film stars Naomi... more
Total Recall is a 1990 Paul Verhoeven directed adaptation of the Phillip K. Dick story "We Can Remember It For... more
Introducing Glaring Admissions, a show dedicated to watching/discussing iconic, famous movies that we've somehow missed out on! Join us on... more
Check out the full-video edit of this episode, complete with cutaways, on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCscDbMTovs2Zww6by8HSDMg 1986's BMX, underdog, feel-good, teen, coming of age... more
Media Obscura's back and, on this week's episode, we're tackling Wild Wild (ficka) Wild Wild West, the 1999 Will Smith... more