The weekly podcast that connects you to NT (Tom) Wright’s thought and theology by allowing you to ask the questions. Presented... more
Tom answers listener questions about his role as Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall Oxford, his work habits and love... more
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions about whether shrines are pagan, whether infant baptism is biblical, and how we can live... more
Today's episode features a special guest - renowned Australian Bible scholar, co-authored and friend of Tom's, Mike Bird. Together, they... more
Tom offers advice to a listener who is moving away from Christianity because she believes the Bible seems to treat... more
Tackling one of the biggest questions of all time, the problem of evil and suffering, in today's episode an atheist... more
Tom Wright joins Justin to answer listener questions on how to interpret the early chapters of Genesis, what he believes... more
Does taking anti-depressant medication mean I’m failing to trust God? I was told to read the Bible to cure my... more
Tom answers personal question from listeners about how to develop spiritual disciplines, escaping the cycle of besetting sin, and how... more
Tom responds to listener Qs on Andy Stanley ‘unhitching’ Christianity from the Old Testament, the historicity of the Exodus, and the way that Greg Boyd interprets violent portraits of God... more
What happens at baptism? How does John's baptism of repentance differ from Christian baptism? And what does Tom think of... more
Tom and Justin are back with a fresh batch of questions from listeners who are having trouble hearing from God.... more
Why bother with earth and not just create heaven? Why try to make the world a better place if God... more
In this episode, Tom dives into listener questions about heaven and the new creation. Discover whether free will still exists... more
Tom answers questions from listeners on whether the world is getting better or worse, on poverty and economic justice, and... more
Tom answers listener’s pastoral questions including a person racked by guilt over whether his wife’s miscarriages were a judgment on... more
Can We Lose Our Salvation? Join us this week as Tom addresses common doubts that crop up time and again... more
Tom answers children's questions on today's show and tackles some of the ways we talk to children about tricky things... more
Tom answers listeners questions on the question of Satan and the powers of evil. Are we supposed to believe in... more
Join Tom today as he sits down to answer a fresh batch of questions from listeners who are having trouble... more
Tom delves into the complexities of marriage, addressing personal and burning questions from our listeners. From pondering the nature of... more
Tom discusses the relevance of spiritual gifts like prophecy and speaking in tongues within our modern context, dives into the... more
A bit of a twist today as we answer listener's questions that have come in asking: are we meant to... more
Tom answers listener questions about the Old Testament. Can the truly trust the Old Testament? When was it all written?... more
Listeners ask questions on which Bible translations we should deem as the best ones and which ones we should use... more
Today's episode features a special guest - renowned Australian Bible scholar, co-authored and friend of Tom's, Mike Bird. Together, they... more
Help! I am a new christian and I'm worried I'm unequally yoked in my relationship? What is the biblical... more
How should Christians think about the place of Israel today? Do the Jewish people still have a distinct role in... more
In today's Episode theologian and historian Tom Wright looks at listener questions on one of the biggest topics and questions... more
What is the doctrine of the Trinity? Is the Trinity key to being a Christian? Is the doctrine of Baptism... more
Heaven and Hell are the topic of today's podcast with Tom Wright answering your questions about the afterlife., What is... more
What happens to those who don’t believe in Jesus? What can I say to my New Age sister? My Muslim... more
In this episode, Tom answers listener questions on prayer and shares some of his own habits and approaches to praying... more
From the archives: We hope you'll enjoy this pastoral episode with Tom as he addresses pressing questions on challenging family... more
In this replay from the Archives we’re diving into questions of Church Unity, Denominations, Worship and questions facing the Modern... more
Join Tom in this replay episode from the archives as he addresses listener’s questions on navigating conversations about sexuality within... more
As we dive into the new year here's a replay from the podcast archives, where Tom Wright answer listener questions... more
In this replay from the podcast archives, Tom answers listener questions about his role as Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe... more
Tom Wright responds to audiences questions about Christmas and the birth narratives, the reliability of the gospels, Bart Ehrman on... more
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions around if we should eat meat, whether we’ll all be vegan in the... more
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions on the prevalence of conspiracy theories, US church support for Trump and the... more
From the archives: In this second of a two-part episode series looking at the question of Suffering, Tom shares his... more
From the archives: Tom shares his thoughts on the difficult questions listeners have around issues such as dementia, death, the... more
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions around whether shrines are pagan, infant baptism is biblical and how we can live in... more
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions around gender, women in leadership and the dynamics of family life. • Subscribe to... more
From 2020: Tom answers listener questions on how to talk to children about tricky things like suffering and hell. Plus,... more
Tom answers listener questions on the upcoming US election, religious freedom in the case of Christian cake makers, and the... more
From the archives: How do we reconcile the New Testament account of Ananias and Sapphira being struck dead with the... more
From the archives: Tom tackles a variety of questions on ‘hot button’ political issues that have been sent in, including... more
From 2020: In the wake of the news that L’Arche founder Jean Vanier was responsible for sexual abuse of women... more
From 2020: Tom Wright talks about his new book ‘God and the Pandemic’ and takes a variety of live listener... more
From 2020: It’s Eastertide so Tom is answering questions on the resurrection, including one listener who believes that the evidence... more
From the archives: Just in time for Easter we bring you a show (recorded before lockdown) in which Tom answers... more
From the archives, from 2020: In a bonus podcast special we bring you ‘An Evening with NT Wright’, hosted by SPCK and recorded... more
From March 2020: Tom answers listener’s pastoral questions including a man racked by guilt over whether his wife’s miscarriages were... more
From Feb 2020: Tom answers listener questions about marriage including: What will our married relationships look like in the new... more
From Jan 2020: Tom answers question on whether gifts of prophecy and tongues are for today, the roles of signs... more
From Jan 2020: Are we supposed to believe in a literal Satan? What do the New and Old Testament say... more
From Dec 2019: Tom answers questions about when the Book of Daniel was written, is the book of Job historical... more
From Dec 2019: Listeners ask questions on which Bible translations are best and Tom’s own translation of scripture ‘The Bible... more
From Sept 2019: Am I unequally yoked to my wife? What’s the biblical view of singleness? Was Jesus at my... more
From Sept 2019: An atheist listener asks a question about free will and the problem of evil. Will it be... more
Replay from June 2019: In a special pastoral Q&A edition Tom responded to various questions on difficult family situations, unforgiveness... more
From July 2020. Tom answered listener questions on the life of the Apostle Paul, whether he wrote all the letters... more
From June 2020. Tom answered listener questions on heaven and new creation. Will free will still exist? Do near Death... more
From May 2020. In another show recorded pre-lockdown, Tom answered questions from listeners on whether the world is getting better... more
From 2019. Listeners want to know about Tom - Who are his favourite authors? If he could have dinner with... more
First broadcast in 2017, NT Wright talks to Justin Brierley about his early life and how his faith developed over... more
From 2020: Tom talks about his book "Broken Signposts" and answers listener questions around how God forgives, conversion and how... more
From 2019: Tom Wright talks to Justin about his book Paul: A Biography and takes listener questions on ‘justification’, election... more
First broadcast in 2019: Tom Wright fields listener questions on evangelism in a post-Christian world, returning to a message of... more
Justin Brierley is moving on from hosting the Ask NT Wright Anything show. Before the baton gets passed on to... more
In a special pastoral Q&A edition Tom responds to various questions on difficult family situations, unforgiveness and a church pastor... more
As Easter approaches Tom answers a variety of listener questions on the Biblical resurrection accounts, the nature of the resurrection... more
Do you have to go to church to be a Christian? What should our theology of worship be? How do... more
In this replay podcast from 2019 Tom answered listener questions on how to have better conversations on sexuality in the... more
Tom answers practical questions about the role of those unable to be physically active - does their prayer and meditation... more
Why bother with earth and not just create heaven? Why try to make the world a better place if God... more
Tom answers listener questions on prayer including: 'Is prayer just telling God what to do?' and 'What difference does prayer... more
CORRECTED AUDIO UPLOADED! Tom and Justin are back with a fresh batch of questions from listeners who are having trouble hearing... more
Tom Wright joins Justin to answer listener questions on how to interpret the early chapters of Genesis, what he believes... more
Listeners want to know about Tom - Who are his favourite authors? If he could have dinner with anyone from... more
Tom responds to listener Qs on Andy Stanley ‘unhitching’ Christianity from the Old Testament, the historicity of the Exodus, and the way that Greg Boyd interprets violent portraits of God... more
In an extended edition of the show originally broadcast on the Unbelievable? podcast, Justin asks a variety of listener questions... more
How should we treat the Bible? Inerrant? Infallible? Does it contain errors? Tom answers questions on the nature of the... more
Tom answers questions on what the New Testament says about the role of women in church leadership. Does 1 Tim... more
Tom Wright and Joseph D'Souza host a Q&A at the Reimagining Global Mission conference in Oxford covering questions on the... more
In this second lecture from the Reimagining Global Mission conference in Oxford, Tom speaks on the multi-ethnic, multicultural, polychrome mission... more
Tom Wright talks to Justin about Christmas and the birth narratives, and answers listener questions on the reliability of the... more
NT Wright was keynote speaker at an Oxford conference on Reimagining Mission in the Global South, hosted by Bishop Joseph... more
Catholic listeners have sent in some questions for Tom, including: Will the elusive dream of Catholic and Anglican unity ever... more
Tom is joined by Texan Bible scholar Justin Bass as they respond to questions from US listeners about right wing... more
A listener wants to know if the suggestion of Old Testament prophets being raised from the dead presents a problem... more
Tom Wright and Justin Brierley are back with a fresh batch of listener questions on the gospels this week including:... more
Justin Brierley and Tom Wright are joined by New Testament scholar Justin Bass, author of ‘The Bedrock of Christianity: The... more
Tom Wright talks to Justin about his book Paul: A Biography and takes listener questions on ‘justification’, election and salvation... more
Tom answers questions on evangelism in a post-Christian world, returning to a message of repentance, whether we can know that... more
Tom speaks on the role of the church in racial reconcliation in the USA and why he believes the Bible... more
NT Wright was interviewed by Pastor Miles McPherson at Rock Church San Diego. They talk about Tom's work to redescribe... more
Recorded at The Rock Church, San Diego, Tom Wright challenges us to think like first-century Christians, to imagine Jesus and... more
Tom Wright talks about his book The Day The Revolution Began and answers listener Qs on Penal Substitution, the Old... more
Tom Wright answers listener questions on how to teach children about new creation, where our loved ones go after they... more
NT Wright shares his memories of preaching for the Queen while he was the Bishop of Durham. He reflects on... more
Should we value the theology of Luther and Calvin given the anti-semitism and killing they both endorsed? How do I... more
Is faith a valid way of knowing truth? Will we need faith in the new creation? Why is my church... more
Tom offers advice to a listener who is moving away from Christianity because she believes the Bible seems to treat... more
Tom offers advice to two people struggling with their faith. One is having doubts during a period of deconstruction, the... more
Should I always tithe 10% to my church? What do you think of signing church covenants? I don't agree with... more
If the Universe is so big why did God choose to come to a small hill called Mount Zion? If... more
Were Adam and Eve's pre-fall bodies like the resurrected Jesus? Was marriage a post-fall accomodation? Why does Genesis say God... more
If evolution is true then physical death existed before the Fall - how do we reconcile that with scripture? How... more
Should I always tithe 10% to my church? What do you think of signing church covenants? I don't agree with my church... more