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Critical Frequency

A true-crime podcast about climate change. Hosted by award-winning investigative journalist Amy Westervelt and reported by a team of climate journalists, Drilled... more

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Genevieve Guenther on the Language of Climate Politics

In her new book, The Language of Climate Politics, Guenther digs into six key rhetorical devices that are being used... more

01 Oct 2024 · 1 hour, 18 minutes
Climate Week 2024: Finally Tackling the Mad Men of Big Oil

We first released our "Mad Men of Big Oil" season on all the pro-fossil fuel propaganda that came before climate... more

24 Sep 2024 · 20 minutes
Denial to Delay: How Fossil-Funded University Research Lays the Foundation for Fossil-Friendly Policy

Drilled reporter Molly Taft joins us to talk about newly released research on fossil fuel funding of university research, and... more

20 Sep 2024 · 1 hour, 7 minutes
Drilled Presents...Spill: Mary Annaise Heglar & Amy Westervelt on climate in this week's debate, Project 2025, and a whole lot more

This week we bring you an episode of our climate talk show, Spill, for a deep dive from Mary Annaïse... more

09 Sep 2024 · 53 minutes
Denial to Delay: The Battle Over the Clean Air Act

In 2007, the Supreme Court ruled in Massachusetts vs. EPA that when the U.S. Congress passed the Clean Air Act... more

15 Aug 2024 · 32 minutes
Denial to Delay: How the Fossil Fuel Industry Rebranded an Oil Production Technique as a "Climate Solution" and Got Taxpayers to Foot the Bill

Carbon capture has always seemed a little scammy, but in a blockbuster investigation co-published with Vox this week, we discovered... more

30 Jul 2024 · 38 minutes
In El Salvador a Cold Case Murder Has Become a Weapon for Silencing Environmental Activists

In 2017, El Salvador became the first country in the world to pass an outright ban on mining. It was... more

17 Jul 2024 · 42 minutes
Could You Really Charge Oil Companies with Murder? Plus: Supreme Court Climate Update

This week, we bring you an episode from our climate litigation podcast, Damages, because we've been getting SO MANY emails... more

09 Jul 2024 · 36 minutes
Denial to Delay: The Great "Greening" of LNG

As part of our ongoing series looking into new climate problems the fossil fuel industry is peddling as solutions, we... more

03 Jul 2024 · 40 minutes
Denial to Delay: How Management Consultancies Data-Wash False Solutions and the Great Gas Lock-In

Fossil fuel companies can't push ideas like "low carbon gas" or overstate the emissions-reduction potential of technologies like carbon capture... more

25 Jun 2024 · 36 minutes
The Coordinated Attack on Shareholder Activism

The backlash against ESG is continuing, with a string of lawsuits aimed at shutting down shareholder activism. We don't often... more

18 May 2024 · 52 minutes
Climate News Update: The New Carbon Majors + Swiss Elders Win Landmark Climate Case

Lots of news lately on stories we've been following, so in today's episode: an update! The landmark Carbon Majors report... more

16 Apr 2024 · 41 minutes
Sainte-Soline, the Government Effort to Disband a Movement in France, and the Radical Solidarity of the Earth Uprisings

In France, the unthinkable has happened for polluting industries: the working-class Yellow Vest movement, racial equity movements, and progressive climate... more

03 Apr 2024 · 50 minutes
The U.S. Anti-Renewables Movement, Explained

Late last year, Brown University's Climate and Development Lab put out a comprehensive report looking at the opposition to wind... more

20 Mar 2024 · 47 minutes
Nearly 30 Years After the Ogoni 9 Tragedy, Nigerians Are Still Resisting Oil Colonialism

Shell announced in late 2023 that it would be shutting down all of its onshore activities in Nigeria and concentrating... more

05 Mar 2024 · 43 minutes
What Ecuador's Yasuní Referendum Really Means for Oil, in Yasuní and Beyond

Last year, headlines all over the world proclaimed victory for the environment: finally, after more than a decade of promises,... more

20 Feb 2024 · 26 minutes
Introducing: Hazard NYC

Check out the limited-run series Hazard NYC from The City, all about how climate change intersects with Superfund sites in... more

19 Feb 2024 · 2 minutes
Dana R. Fisher on the Past, Present and Future of Climate Protest

In her new book Saving Ourselves, Dana R. Fisher compiles years worth of research on protest in general and climate... more

13 Feb 2024 · 46 minutes
Department of Homeland Security, the Manufactured "EcoTerrorist" Panic, and Cop City

The U.S. government's definition of what constitutes an "ecoterrorist" has long driven backlash against environmental activists and in recent years... more

31 Jan 2024 · 40 minutes
Meet the UN's First Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders

In June 2022, Michel Forst became the first UN Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders. In that role he has spent... more

23 Jan 2024 · 1 hour, 13 minutes
How UK Courts Became the New Climate Protest Battleground

About a decade after UK courts made history with the first "climate necessity" ruling in history, the UK government has... more

16 Jan 2024 · 33 minutes
What Happened At Bayou Bridge? The Other End of the Dakota Access Pipeline

While protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline at the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation garnered international news coverage, at the... more

19 Dec 2023 · 44 minutes
Seven Years Later, an Environmental Impact Statement for the Dakota Access Pipeline

This month, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers closes the comment period on its draft Environmental Impact Statement for the... more

07 Dec 2023 · 37 minutes
Modern-Day Bead Trading: The Fossil Fuel Industry Meets Indigenous Protest with "Redwashing" and Repression in Canada

As we resume our season focused on the global criminalization of climate protest, reporter Martha Troian brings us to Canada,... more

05 Dec 2023 · 42 minutes
Abeer Butmeh: Living on the Front Lines of a War and the Climate Crisis, in Palestine

Abeer Butmeh, coordinator of the Palestinian NGOs Network, one of the most important Palestinian environmental organizations, spoke to senior editor... more

14 Nov 2023 · 35 minutes
Messy Conversations: Magatte Wade, Atlas Network's Center for African Prosperity

We'll be back with the rest of our anti-protest season soon, but in the meantime, welcome to a new Drilled... more

01 Nov 2023 · 1 hour, 14 minutes
The Tomato Soup "Controversy"

Globally, climate activism has shifted over the past few years. It’s more constant now and includes more direct action than... more

17 Oct 2023 · 32 minutes
In Brazil, A Tale as Old as Colonization: Why Indigenous Land Defenders Are Particularly Targeted by Extractive Industries

From Ecuador to North Dakota, British Columbia to New Zealand, the backlash against Indigenous-led environmental protest is always particularly harsh,... more

10 Oct 2023 · 29 minutes
Guyana Update: Gas to Energy for Guyana, or Problem to Profit for Exxon?

A new report from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) looks at the details of Guyana's planned... more

09 Oct 2023 · 28 minutes
Joanna Smith on "Conspiring Against the United States" with Fingerpaint

In April 2023, Joanna Oltman Smith walked into the National Gallery in Washington, D.C. with fellow activist Tim Martin, and... more

03 Oct 2023 · 49 minutes
Loss Is on the Calendar in Nigeria

From our pals over at Inherited, in today’s episode, Mo Isu looks at one of the reasons climate activists all... more

26 Sep 2023 · 33 minutes
How Think Tanks Laid the Groundwork to Criminalize Protest

It’s no coincidence that the backlash against climate protest looks the same from country to country. Not only is industry... more

19 Sep 2023 · 44 minutes
In Vietnam, Tax Evasion Charges Help Lock Up Climate Activists

President Biden made his first trip to Vietnam as President this week, with the intention of "upgrading" diplomatic relations between... more

11 Sep 2023 · 23 minutes
In Australia, A State-By-State Approach to Criminalizing Climate Protest

Since the 2019 passage of the "Dangerous Attachment Devices" bill in response to anti-coal protests in Queensland, Australia's states have... more

05 Sep 2023 · 29 minutes
Disha Ravi on Becoming the Face of "Radical" Protest in India

When she was just 22, Disha Ravi, co-founder of Fridays for Future in India, had police show up at her... more

29 Aug 2023 · 32 minutes
The Corporate Push to Criminalize Speech

There's a lot of discourse happening about free speech in the context of "cancel culture" these days, but precious little... more

29 Aug 2023 · 34 minutes
How the Media Has Helped to Criminalize Climate Protest, with Evlondo Cooper

Media Matters senior researcher Evlondo Cooper put out a fascinating study earlier this month looking at how the media has... more

22 Aug 2023 · 24 minutes
Outside/In: When Protest Is a Crime, Part 1

In the lead-up to our season on the criminalization of protest we're bringing you part 1 of this excellent two-part... more

15 Aug 2023 · 47 minutes
Introducing Our New Season: The Real Free Speech Threat

Around the world, climate and other environmental protestors are being harassed, attacked, and arrested at an alarming rate. Laws are... more

15 Aug 2023 · 3 minutes
Herb, Ep 3: The Next Citizens United Will Be a Climate Case

In more than 30 climate cases making their way through U.S. courts today, oil companies are using an argument they've... more

01 Aug 2023 · 26 minutes
The Corporate Push to Criminalize Speech

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There's a lot of discourse happening about free speech in the context of "cancel culture" these days, but precious little coverage of... more