Weekly sermons from the Church of Christ in Federal Way, WA. // For more information, visit us online at www.fedwaycc.org
Jesus teaches us to approach God with childlike vulnerability, bring our ordinary daily needs to Him in prayer, and participate... more
"Your Will Be Done" is a prayer for God to act and for us to be transformed.
Praying "Your Kingdom Come" means asking God to displace the kingdoms that are at war with his own.
Hallowing God's name means remembering who God is and responding with wonder and awe.
The prayer Jesus taught us opens by rooting us in the reality of heaven, the character of God, and the... more
Jesus begins his teaching on prayer by clearing away destructive postures and asking two simple, practical questions.
The gospel of Luke invites us to continue celebrating Christmas with Mary, Joseph, Anna, and Simeon.
The fullness of time has come in Jesus and is available today.
Living in the fullness of time invites us into a hope-filled relationship with the future.
Living in the fullness of time invites us into a redeemed relationship with our past.