Weekly sermons from the Church of Christ in Federal Way, WA. // For more information, visit us online at www.fedwaycc.org
The gospel of Luke invites us to continue celebrating Christmas with Mary, Joseph, Anna, and Simeon.
The fullness of time has come in Jesus and is available today.
Living in the fullness of time invites us into a hope-filled relationship with the future.
Living in the fullness of time invites us into a redeemed relationship with our past.
God is inviting us out of the shallows and into the depths of the fullness of time.
The body and blood of Jesus is our true Thanksgiving.
We praise God with new songs!
God is a creative craftsman who is will renew his creation, redeem our creations, and repair all brokenness.
God is a place-making God, constantly extending his creative hospitality.
The Lord is a creative God who calls us to be a creative people.