Comedians Joe Dombrowski (former elementary school teacher) and co-host Gaspare Randazzo (current high school teacher) discuss the chaotic life in and out of the classroom,... more
In this festive episode, the boys dive into a wild mix of topics. Joe's deals with a drunken heckler during... more
In this episode of the Social Studies Podcast the boys dive into topics such as the peculiarities of room names... more
Joe and Gaspare dive into funny stories about hotel mishaps, audience experiences, and a humorous take on attractive male hobbies.... more
This week, Gaspare teaches a history lesson and Joe gets targeted by Wicked. Joe calls out Gaspare's hair denial, and... more
In this episode, Joe has a wild day in Staten Island, a luxurious yet awkward hotel stay in Atlantic City,... more
This week, Gaspare gets friendly with his contractor while his house is under construction, Joe gets an update on the... more
On this emails only episode, Joe and Gas dig into a WILD story and potential future Netflix documentary before reminiscing... more
This week, the guys chat about their strange culinary habits. Joe gets a wake up call about getting older, and... more
This week, Gaspare pretends to be a youth, Joe has a visit from his family, and the guys dissect how... more
This week, Joe and Gas do an emails only show where they give marriage and dating advice to some fans... more