The GO TO Podcast For Moms With Kids At Home! Do you want to love motherhood but find yourself in survival mode or... more
I’ve done technology fasts in previous years when my life was more stable - when I was in the thriving... more
What would it take to feel truly satisfied? Thomas Aquinas suggests we’d need to experience everything - every restaurant, every... more
As we wrap up another year, I’ve noticed my technology use creeping up. Maybe you’re feeling it too - more... more
If you want a better present, you need a bigger future. This principle from Victor Frankl’s “Man’s Search For Meaning”... more
When I was pregnant with my fourth baby, I learned something fascinating about labor – in between contractions, our bodies... more
I read close to 100 books in 2024, and I'm excited to share my favorite book recommendations across different genres!... more
As a mom, I know exactly who I want to become. I also know there’s a gap between that vision... more
Ever been part of a book club that fizzled out after a few months? Or maybe you’ve wanted to start... more
This fall has been a very busy season for our family where we are stuck tackling things that are urgent.... more
I’ve been getting questions after the focus on how to merge effective mom planning with planning with your spouse. Andrew... more