Hello, my name is Christopher Swinney. I have played and toured with many bands in my career such as The Ataris, Brazil,... more
Vinyl Destination episode number one! Presented by TOTOT! Chris Swinney(TOTOT/ex The Ataris/Fire Sale) and Chris Dalley(ex Death By Stereo/ex Pulley/Authority... more
Chris sits down with TOTOT art director, Sara, from Road Dog Supply! IG: @roaddogsupply http://roaddogsupply.com Listen and subscribe at: http://tototpodcast.com Please subscribe, rate, and... more
Chris sits down and has a chat with his friend, Bart, from Straightline! IG: @straightline_official https://straightline.bandcamp.com/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/6GOz8VwScDJPT0qmsML5nQ?si=MueDmov3SdWwA8Q6WGJ2jA Listen and subscribe at: http://tototpodcast.com Please subscribe, rate,... more
Chris sits down and has a chat with his good friend, Seth Hyman, from Negative Progression Records! IG: @negativeprogression http://negativeprogressionrecords.com Listen and subscribe... more
Chris sits down and has a chat with his buddy and Youtube star, Stevie T! IG: @steventerreberry https://www.youtube.com/@SteveTerreberry Listen and subscribe at: http://tototpodcast.com Please... more
Chris sits down and has a chat with his buddy, Nick Sauter, from Cadet Carter! IG: @nick.l.odeon @cadetcarterband https://cadetcarter.com https://open.spotify.com/artist/1JpisZfiasQzthtFyBC2Jf?si=s7hk_h-pRYa7wAmWhxu_DA Listen and subscribe at:... more
Chris sits down and has a chat with his buddy, Ted Felicetti, from Don't Panic! IG: @tedpanic @dontpanicjustrock https://dontpanicofficial.bandcamp.com/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/79utqLtatqBzIE8UByqpxg?si=LngMq0uzQeyRWs0Rhb5XNw Listen and subscribe at:... more
Hey, everyone! Here is a little bonus episode to celebrate the release of the new Fire Sale tunes! Pre-orders for... more
Chris sits down and has a chat with, Scott Shiflett, from Face To Face! IG: @therealshifty66 @facetofacemusic https://facetofacemusic.com/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/4l9ufn9GC6LLYXvIanDlLd?si=MAWyN4SuTkCGMUh3Sq9YDg Listen and subscribe at: http://tototpodcast.com Please... more
Chris sits down and has a chat with, Chris Shiflett, from Foo Fighters! IG: @shifty71 @foofighters http://www.chrisshiflettmusic.com/ https://www.foofighters.com/ Chris Shiflett: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5tv5SsSRqR7uLtpKZgcRrg?si=ge-iTnMtR4-OGoklog3aMA Foo... more