A body is pulled from the ocean, and a race against time to capture one of the world's most wanted criminals begins.This... more
With Ron and Elaine off to Canada, their connection to the mysterious David Davis looks as if it’s coming to... more
With the body now identified and the discovery of a man living under his name, Elaine Boyes is the only... more
An unlikely discovery ten miles out to sea leaves British detectives with a dead end case. Until an accidental doorknock... more
A body is pulled from the ocean, and a race against time to capture one of the world's most wanted... more
When police arrive for a welfare check at the home of a Vancouver fashion store owner, they're confronted with the... more
As a teen, Anne-Marie Robinson dreamed of becoming a professional musician. The talented French horn player soon became the music... more
Robinson stored her painful, high-school memories deep in her mind. But it all came flooding back in midlife after she... more
More than a year after Robinson went to police, William Douglas Walker was charged with a sex crime. She alleged... more
Robinson couldn’t help but think if she knew there were other victims, the outcome of the case would have been... more
The desk in Jeanie McKay’s teenage bedroom had 56 notches: one for every time she had sexual intercourse with her... more