A podcast dedicated to watching LOST - one person for the first time, the other for the eighth. Hosted by Jack Shepherd &... more
We love 'em, we LOVE 'em! It's a Sun and Jin episode, and the LOST Boys are in a weirdly... more
Jack finally loves an episode of season six! And of course, it's all because of our man Richard Alpert.
The Boys take on Sawyer episode "Recon", because... get it? Sawyer's a con man. Re-con. Con... Yeah, Jack didn't find... more
Can Ben really be forgiven? We just hope you forgive us for making you wait so long... again!
Sayid turns evil – but not as evil as Jack and Jacob after making everyone wait six months for another... more
Jack and Jacob tackle The Lighthouse... we're diving deep into season 6, people!
The substitute teacher is here... and hopefully he's not the one who ruined the coffee machine.
This ain't what Kate Did, it's what Kate do... and Jack ain't here for it
The LOST Boys tackle LA X, Part 2 and somehow talk about it for over an hour. Yes, really.
The LOST Boys head into season six...