A salute to all TV holiday specials, but mostly the Christmas ones. Revisit 12 holiday classics and not-so-classics each December and July.
The Doctor prescribes what’s been missing from A Christmas Carol: A flying shark. Guests: Andre Bennett, Jack Ford, Anthony Strand.
No porpoises were harmed during the making of this podcast. Guests: Gerry Davila, Ethan the Hungry Reader
Let’s have a good, old-fashioned Christmas down on Kent Farm. Guests: Joey O., James Riley
Mama saves the day for a bunch of kids whose parents waited till Christmas Eve to see Santa at the... more
Christmas pudding sends the count on a concussion-induced space adventure. Guest: Adam Parker Sibun.
Color me impressed by this 2020 stop-motion special by the Chiodo Brothers. Guests: Michael DiGiovanni, Sammy Hain.
Mickey Rooney invades everyone’s personal space trying to earn his wings. Guests: Guy Hutchinson, William Bruce West.
A merry, messy Kweznuz. Guest: Jack Ford.
Wood and plastic. It’s fantastic! Guests: Kristi and Bri from Bad Princess Movies.
Slime to the world. Guests: Shawn Robare, Steven.