A fun and silly discussion about video games (both retro and contemporary), video game movies, and pretty much anything related to video... more
Remember that you can always get in touch with us on our Facebook page, on X, or using our Contact... more
Remember that you can always get in touch with us on our Facebook page, on X, or using our Contact... more
Remember that you can always get in touch with us on our Facebook page, on X, or using our Contact... more
Remember that you can always get in touch with us on our Facebook page, on X, or using our Contact... more
Outrageous DLC ideas (including iconic character crossovers), discussing the thrill of repetitive tasks, and the ideal soundscapes for gaming. That... more
Show NotesA quick note from Squidge about what happened to our show during the summer of 2024. We apologise for... more
In this episode, Squidge and Matt Bliss delve into the world of indie gaming with their latest focus on 'Powerwash... more
Multiplayer babysitting, zero-g clown physics, cute animal discussion, goat yoga, and the many uses of food bribery; all this can... more
Crafting, Swifties (and how great the majority of them are), Thomas the Tank Engine, hot glue, trash pandas, fishing and... more
Underpants, posters in lockers, bands, a surprise Mei Ling, and an excessive number of Easter Eggs. That can mean only... more