extracting the negative and replacing with a fix of positivity. adapting to change and remixing digital tools and batting those life curve... more
ZQTqClsAFd6yHb482g2f hey, we kinda took a bit of a dip there, time out, mental reboot, end of a year long project... more
how we managed to even get this podcast out tonight after the day we both had is pretty amazing to... more
just shooting the shiz this morning trying to catchup with our podcast cycle, very difficult when it's warm and lovely... more
went all over the place this week, i think it's because we are both busy in different ways this week,... more
super random, mid day stream, props to @dayleeo for keeping us on track with these. We're trying to make that InstantPot... more
Skills? new bread process for paratha World News? South Korea has 4.8 gig internetz Lessons/ Things you learned about yourself? relationship between intuition and... more
we have a website now! -- http://unfr.ee -- both of our casts are there! today we wanted to get an early... more
how's it going? enjoying your week. We've been head down, tinkering and playing with creative projects this week, compiling OBS... more
we had a heck of a hectic week, pushed a MVP product, updated ampsteem.com and used our templates on beeb.ee... more
it's been another packed week of project work but we are breaking the back of it now, lots of things... more