Comedians and paranormal enthusiasts Betsy Sodaro and Marcy Jarreau invite their comedian friends and celebrity guests to tell their true paranormal experiences... more
We have Bridger Winegar (I Said No Gifts!) on this week, and he’s talking about getting a message from beyond.... more
Betsy has some stories from her driver on ‘Ghosts.’ Megan has some sweet stories about ghost cats. Erika got a... more
Sabrina has ghost stories from Hong Kong. Josh has some weird dreams about mom and dad. Dylan can lucid dreams... more
We are lucky to have Corin Wells (A Black Lady Sketch Show) telling us about how she took a nap... more
Meredith’s dad sent her a bunch from her dad. Sara had a strange experience in a bathroom. Dylan has a... more
Holly Prazoff from Screen Timers Podcast tells us about psychic surgeons, cults, and dancing for enlightenment. Hannah tells a story... more
The solar eclipse may have helped facilitate Melissa’s aunt seeing a family member. Kris had a protective spirit when he... more
Eliza’s mom was visited by a relative after a medical event and she saw an apparition on a cruise on... more
April thinks Marcy may be psychic. Lindsay’s apartment was built on a former asylum. Blue had a coincidence with Rome... more
Lexi almost got Final Destination-ed! Ferny got a visit from across the rainbow bridge. Meredith had a nasty phone ghost... more