In this podiobook: The common wisdom is that the men who have attacked American Presidents - Czolgosz, Guiteau, Fromme, Hinckley, Moore, Oswald,... more
-In this episode: Ned writes a letter to Wilkes. Finis.
-In this episode: Bainbridge, Ruggles and Jett
-In this episode: Escape: Thomas Jones gets Wilkes to the Potomac.
-In this episode: Escape: Dr. Samuel Mudd treats Wilkes' broken leg
-In this episode: The assassination
-In this episode: Wilkes learns that Lincoln is going to the theater. He makes his preparations.
-In this episode: Wilkes urges the managers of two Washington theaters to invite Lincoln to a performance on Good Friday... more
-In this episode: As their cause becomes more desperate, the Confederates decide to kill Lincoln - but without involving Wilkes.... more
-In this episode: Now Richmond doesn't want Lincoln snatched. Wilkes is devastated.
-In this episode: Wilkes takes his crew to a play at Ford's Theater. An attempt to snatch the President on... more