Inspiring, supporting and encouraging men to be healthy in their spiritual life and in their relationships with others, offering them the tools... more
Rhythm of Life: We often wrongly equate our discipleship with disciple. Effort = effectiveness. While it is not wrong to... more
Advent is a season around the world where believers in Jesus are watching and wanting, looking and longing, inviting Christ... more
Advent is a season around the world where believers in Jesus are watching and wanting, looking and longing, inviting Christ... more
Advent is a season around the world where believers in Jesus are watching and wanting, looking and longing, inviting Christ... more
Our culture wants everything fast. Overnight delivery, immediate results, fad diets, and microwave faith. Make me better….NOW! Yet Christ formation... more
We’ve seen how God changed Paul, The Demoniac, Moses & in this session we turn our eyes towards The Rock.... more
What is in control of your life? Who, or what makes the decisions? What calls the shots? Is it your... more
We often wonder what difference our life is making, or if it is making a difference at all. In such... more
In the Star Wars meta-verse there is one saying you can count on when something intense or meaningful is going... more
Ever heard a friendship described as two people being "thick as thieves"? It means they have secrets and experiences only they... more