In a world more connected— yet lonelier— than it's ever been, Carlos Whittaker is bringing humans together all over the world. Backed... more
I LOVED this conversation with my new friend Joe. Joe reminds us how radical curiosity can be, especially when we... more
Before Heather’s mom and my dad passed, I was really scared of death. I’d never been in a room with... more
My dad passed away last week, so don’t mind my tears. Every day I'm learning more about what it means... more
Welcome to Human School! In this episode, I'm sitting down with my new friend Ann, who generously shares her incredible... more
What if I told you that the most extraordinary people you'll ever meet aren't celebrities? They're the people you pass... more
My family has been hit by wave after wave after wave of blows these last few weeks. Heather’s grandma Nani... more
I may be biased, but this is one of my favorite stories (and guests) EVER. Okay, I’m totally biased, but her... more
We’re continuing the story from the last episode, but this time we get to hear from Lee Ann’s husband D!... more
2025 is here, and I’m READY. I’ve got some new stuff in the works, and I’m so excited to share... more
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! How is it already 2025?!! This year on the podcast, I want to focus more on people’s stories.... more
This is IT. The last podcast of 2024. WHAT!! This episode has it all. I recount a Christmas tragedy. I dissect... more
In a world where everything feels like a war zone—Instagram comment sections, dinner tables, even just interpersonal relationships—how are we... more
I’ll be honest, I haven’t always understood Advent. Traditionally, our family celebrates with a Trader Joe’s chocolate Advent calendar. So I... more
I did not have 3 million people watching me cry over an Australian cartoon on my bingo (no pun intended)... more
People are in more need of joy than they want to admit—especially in this post-election season. A simple way that... more
It’s two days post-election, and there are LOTS of feelings happening all over the political spectrum. Whether you’re feeling joy or... more
Y'all know I LOVE Christmas. And I've finally found someone who loves Christmas just as much as I do. (Maybe... more
I’m keeping this one short and sweet but AUTHENTIC. Today I’m screening my documentary for the FIRST TIME in Nashville. And... more
My friend and mental health professional Debra Fileta is on this episode. And she’s here to help you become HAPPY... more
When’s the last time you truly trusted your gut? Like REALLY trusted it. All on its own. No googling. No... more
I just spent the day with children’s gaming specialists at Children’s Hospital Colorado, and I am blown away. As someone who... more
In this episode we’re talking about savoring. I’ve been in the midst of book launch MADNESS, but I’m really trying to... more
We made a BEST SELLER list!!! YOU DID THIS. I have been BUSY this past week, traveling all across the country,... more
Coming to you LIVE FROM NEW YORK!! My book Reconnected: How 7 Screen-Free Weeks With Monks And Amish Famers Helped... more
I'm 51. Can someone please send me the over 55 community with the deepest vibes? I'm ready. Today I let you... more
Everyone’s favorite podcast guest is back! Heather is here to talk about how she’s stewarding her role as a mom... more
I got an invite that I couldn't turn down... I took a last-minute trip to Chicago this week to attend... more
I’ve been trying to lean into what’s been happening in society and culture as we unpack our 6 pillars. This episode... more
We’re unpacking the six pillars of our motto: Don’t stand on issues, walk with people. This episode focuses on the third... more
We’re unpacking the six pillars of our motto: Don’t stand on issues, walk with people. This episode focuses on the second... more
We’re unpacking the six pillars of our motto: Don’t stand on issues, walk with people. This episode focuses on the first... more
We’re diving into the madness. The madness that America is living in (yes, we’re talking about Trump). The madness that... more
THE ONE, THE ONLY Annie F. Downs is on the podcast this episode!! This is historical, people. Somehow, in all our... more
We’re having breakfast in the middle of nowhere. In the SERENGETI. With one of my new favorite people. If you’ve... more
My friend Jordan Montgomery is joining us to teach us about the art and science of ENCOURAGEMENT. Encouragement is a universal... more
It’s almost Father’s Day, so who better to have on my show than MY OWN DAD, Dr. Fermin Whittaker?! Many of... more
This book means a lot to me. I put my life on hold for it. I put a lot into... more
Join me, Heather, Seanna, and Sohaila (and our friend Jacinda!) as we work through some BIG feelings about the wedding... more
Wow! Talk about wedding brain… At the time of recording this, we’re about to head to Jackson, WY for my... more
Welcome to the first FATHER OF THE BRIDE episode! We are less than 20 DAYS away from marrying off my... more
This is a very special episode for me. I go WAY BACK in my feels as I talk with some... more
We are rewinding time with this episode. Matt Brown knew me before most. We’re talking about a season of my life... more
My daughter is getting married, and we are in the THROWS of wedding season. She had a bridal shower this week,... more
This episode is for YOU. Not everyone who is listening at once. Just you. You know that I go to church,... more
The baby of our family is transitioning into adulthood, and I have so many THOUGHTS!! Losiah and I sit down and... more
This is an episode I’ve been looking forward to for a LONG time. My great friend and the creator of the... more
If it feels like you just can’t catch a break in life, this episode is for you. Today we’re acknowledging the... more
Have you ever created something that you’re really proud of, but when it comes time to share it with the... more
I LITERALLY had to hold myself back from saying “oh, that’s good!” every ten seconds during this conversation because it... more
It’s been a heavy couple of weeks, so this week I asked YOU what you wanted me to talk about. There... more
This is a conversation I’ve been wanting to have for a long time, and I'm grateful to be joined by... more
Yesterday, we witnessed yet another mass shooting in America... This time, on the anniversary of another mass shooting. The Parkland High... more
Everyone’s favorite guest is joining me today: my wife HEATHER! We talk about why Heather left Instagram, what it’s like having... more
I’ve talked about a lot of controversial things on Instagram, but I don’t know if I have EVER gotten the... more
Today we are courageously joined by Katy Dieckhaus, who lost her daughter Evelyn in the Covenant School Shooting in Nashville... more
Get ready! We’re talking about how to navigate political conversations while PRESERVING relationships. Sounds kind of impossible, right? I promise it’s... more
Today we remember Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.—we remember his dream, the progress for Civil Rights that he helped... more
I’m so glad you’re here. Today we say goodbye to Human Hope, and I’m a little emotional about the change,... more
It's the week between Christmas and New Years, and a lot of people are reflecting on the year that's gone... more
Let me ask you a question: How are you feeling this holiday season? A) I’m feeling the Christmas magic! Grateful! B) I’m... more
This week is a special treat! My beautiful wife Heather and beautiful daughter Sohaila are joining me!!!! We are currently... more
Today joining me is my friend Russell Moore. He is RUNNING Christianity Today. I have followed him and what I... more
I CANT EVEN WITH THIS EPISODE!!! There are so many jaw dropping moments! My Tia Nancy and my Papa came... more
I FINALLY FINISHED MY MANUSCRIPT!!!! This book I turned in has taken it OUT of me but it is off... more
This week is part two of our mini series, Hope for the Innocent. We have my new friend Wayne Burgess... more
We are taking the next two weeks about something that goes unnoticed in our society. There are THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS... more
This episode is such a GIFT. We are being joined by two dear friends to me. I know we wrapped... more
It’s the last episode of the It’s Never Too Late series and I have loved hearing about the ways this... more
We are on week TWO of the It’s Never Too Late Series and I am so excited for you to... more
What is up, Human Hope Familia?! I’ll tell you what’s up— my age. That’s right. You know I turned 50... more
I LOVE BEES!! And today we are talking ALL about bees! When I learned about bees and how they operate, I... more
Human Hope familia, let me introduce you to my new friend and this show’s VERY FIRST novelist: Johanna Rojas Vann!!! When... more
We just wrapped up our parenting series last week and this week, while we’re not talking about parenting, I AM... more
Insta Familia!!! I am SO excited to wrap up the Parenting Series with my friend, Paula Faris. Paula Founded CARRY... more
This is quite possibly the MOST REQUESTED topic y'all ask me to talk about when it comes to parenting. That's... more
This week, we have two of our very best friends, Blake and Allie. We raised our kids together. At least... more
My kids' therapists are here!! I am SO grateful for David Thomas and Sissy Goff. They are the hosts of... more
Your Favorite, Heather Whittaker is HERE to begin the series on Parenting! If you have ANY kids in your life,... more
I am FINALLY home from Rwanda and in Nashville for a minute before going out on TOUR!!! Last week’s episode with... more
INSTAFAMILIA! WE DID IT! You helped us raise money for a church building, Hope Center, AND a school in Rwanda!!!!! I've... more
INSTAFAMILIA! WE DID IT! You helped us raise money for a church building, Hope Center, AND a school in Rwanda!!!!! I've been sharing... more