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Ear Hustle
Ear Hustle
Ear Hustle & Radiotopia

Ear Hustle is prison slang for eavesdropping, and that’s what listening to the show feels like: a raw, often funny, and always... more

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Comfortable Inside

It can be hard to admit, but some people are more comfortable inside prison than out. We meet people who... more

04 Sep 2024 · 47 minutes
Coming Up This Season

The countdown is on! Earlonne and Nigel give listeners a taste of what’s in store this season: some controversy, some... more

29 Aug 2024 · 4 minutes
Ear Hustle Extra: San Quentin: The Magazine, Issue 2

Our team inside San Quentin explores the complicated acts of crying and Hula dancing in prison, reports on the joys... more

21 Aug 2024 · 45 minutes
Ear Hustle Extra: Revisiting “This Place”

Celebrating our 100th episode last year got the Ear Hustle team thinking about all the stories we’ve told since 2017.... more

31 Jul 2024 · 1 hour, 9 minutes
Ear Hustle Presents: The Moth

In this collaboration with the venerable live-storytelling project The Moth, we share one man’s story about using a medical condition... more

10 Jul 2024 · 36 minutes
Ear Hustle Presents: You Didn’t See Nothin

We’re introducing you to one of our favorite recent podcast discoveries. In 1997, a racially motivated attack and its aftermath... more

26 Jun 2024 · 33 minutes

What’s it like to serve out a prison sentence alongside your mom? At the Central California Women’s Facility, a handful... more

12 Jun 2024 · 43 minutes

When he was growing up, gang life gave Larry confidence, purpose, and an identity. But after years behind bars, the... more

29 May 2024 · 49 minutes
Catch a Kite Nationwide

For our latest Catch a Kite episode, we’re taking advantage of a new tool: the electronic tablets that recently became... more

15 May 2024 · 32 minutes

In honor of Mother’s Day, some decidedly un-Hallmark-y stories about incarceration and motherhood. Thanks to Mary Behun, Reggie, and Kat for... more

01 May 2024 · 42 minutes
Hope Lacquer

Inside prison, as well as out, some of us cling to stuff and some of us let go. In this... more

17 Apr 2024 · 49 minutes
Five Mirrors

Twelve years ago, Nigel asked San Quentin resident Greg Eskridge to write a list of everything he owned in prison.... more

03 Apr 2024 · 44 minutes
What's Up, Michael Freeman?

A bucolic garden, six kinds of breakfast cereal, and around-the-clock bedside vigil: How one California prison is trying to mitigate... more

20 Mar 2024 · 51 minutes
A Rock Across a Lake

We’ve never based a whole episode on a poem before, but this one, by Sky, took us by surprise. It’s... more

06 Mar 2024 · 28 minutes
Ear Hustle Extra: A Sneak Peek at "Cellies, with Commentary"

Season 13 is coming soon; in the meantime, here’s a glimpse of what’s going on in Ear Hustle Plus, our... more

14 Feb 2024 · 11 minutes

In honor of our 100th episode (!) Ear Hustle revisits our very first one – “Cellies” – this time with... more

20 Dec 2023 · 46 minutes
Shine Some Light

When she was in her 20s, Shanna was the victim of a violent attack. Ten years later, she’s ready to... more

29 Nov 2023 · 42 minutes
That World

Not long ago, Nigel and Earlonne spent time at the largest women’s prison in the world: The Central California Women’s... more

15 Nov 2023 · 47 minutes
Do You Think There Are Ghosts Here?

Can a prison be haunted? And why are good ghost stories — inside or outside of prison — so hard... more

01 Nov 2023 · 38 minutes
San Quentin: The Magazine

If San Quentin were a magazine, what would it sound like? Ear Hustle’s new team inside – Sadiq, Steve, Tam,... more

18 Oct 2023 · 1 hour,
Ear Hustle
That World
Ear Hustle

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Not long ago, Nigel and Earlonne spent time at the largest women’s prison in the world: The Central California Women’s Facility. They... more