The story of technological progress is one of drama and intrigue, sudden insight and plain hard work. Let’s explore technology’s spectacular failures... more
Episode: 1326 Lift-off: Reflections on the launch of NASA Flight STS-91. Today, we all count 3-2-1.
Episode: 1325 The day Mulholland's St. Francis Dam broke. Today, an almost-forgotten catastrophe.
Episode: 2422 John Muir, Naturalist and Engineer. Today, an unlikely engineer.
Episode: 3266 Fireworks, Firecrackers, and Lunar New Year. Today, we ring the new year in with a bang.
Episode: 2838 The World of Small Dimensions; Nano-Dimensions and Pico-Times. Today, we explore Small.
Episode: 1324 C rations: Armies trying to travel on their stomachs. Today, an army tries to travel on its stomach.
Episode: 1323 Fleming, the light bulb, and the vacuum tube. Today, an analogy changes our world.
Episode: 1322 Five college degrees in six years: What does it mean? Today, some thoughts about beating the system.
Episode: 1321 A modern solar collector, a century before its time. Today, an idea whose time had not yet come.
Episode: 2418 Quantifying the chance of losing at casino games. Today, luck and Las Vegas.