Bring some Spirit-filled peace into your hectic schedule every weekday morning with this new Daily Devotional.
Philippians 4:6–7 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he... more
Philippians 4:2–3 Now I appeal to Euodia and Syntyche. Please, because you belong to the Lord, settle your disagreement. And I... more
Philippians 3:17–18 Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example. For I... more
Philippians 3:12 I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection.... more
Philippians 3:8–9 Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his... more
Philippians 3:1–2 Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. I never get tired of telling you these... more
Philippians 2:22–23 But you know how Timothy has proved himself. Like a son with his father, he has served with me... more
Philippians 2:14–15 Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticise you. Live clean, innocent lives as children... more
Philippians 2:12–13 Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it... more
Philippians 2:5–7 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of... more