Find out what makes influential Christian leaders tick! Hear the faith stories of a huge range of church leaders, musicians, preachers and... more
Andy Peck talks to the author of ‘Artificial Intelligence: a guide for the perplexed’ about his work understanding the ethical... more
As a writer, broadcaster and consultant Elizabeth Oldfield is passionate about helping people and organisations grow to align with their... more
Andy Peck talks to the founding pastor of Trinity Church Everton, north Liverpool, about how a small team planted a... more
Alister McGrath is many things, an academic, a historian, a writer, a theologian but above all he is an apologist.... more
Andy Peck talks to the CEO of Christians Against Poverty (CAP) about the need to be aware of finances as... more
As Director of the Vatican Observatory Brother Guy Consolmagno has had his fair share of stargazing. He's a Jesuit priest... more
Andy Peck talks with the editor of Operation World, a tool that helps Christian pray intelligently and act strategically as... more
With his Aussie accent you'd be forgiven for thinking Glyn Barrett was homegrown in Australia but he was in fact... more
Andy Peck chats with a man who has served in small-church ministry for over 40 years. Having pastored a church... more
Shell Perris - once a singer in a Christian girl band - now leads Alive Ministries which helps families worship.... more