Third Church RVA is a Presbyterian church pastored by Corey Widmer in Richmond, Virginia. We believe we are called together for the... more
This Sunday we are continuing to learn from Jesus about how to practice our life with God- this week our focus... more
Today's music selection is "Good to Me," by The Porter's Gate. Today's instrumental music is "Oh Dear Child," by Amick... more
Today's music selection is "I Wanna Know," by Iamson. Today's instrumental music is "Dear Gravity," by The Wonders. Licensed through... more
Today's music selection is "All Will Be Well," by Paul Zach. Today's instrumental music is "Compass," by Some Were At... more
Today's music selection is "All Who Are Weary, Come" by The Porter's Gate. Today's instrumental music is "Heartache," by Amick... more
Today's music selection is "At All Times," by Paul Zach. Today's instrumental music is "Compass," by Some Were At Sea.... more
Today's song is "Just a Closer Walk with Thee," by Iamson. Today's instrumental music is "Pilgrim," by Some Were At Sea,... more
This Sunday we are continuing to learn from Jesus about how to practice our life with God- this week our... more
Today's song is "In Labor, All Creation Groans," by Bifrost arts. Today's instrumental music is "Oh Dear Child," by Amick... more
Today's Song is "Always With Me," by Iamson, Today's instrumental music is "Heartache," by Amick Cutler. Licensed through
Today's Song is "God the Maker," by the Porter's Gate. Today's instrumental music is "Dear Gravity," by The Wonders. Licensed... more
Today's song is "Rise Up" by Bifrost Arts Today's instrumental music is "Compass," by Some Were At Sea. Licensed through
Today's song is "From the Dust," by Paul Zach Today's instrumental music is "Pilgrim," by Some Were At Sea. Licensed through... more
This Sunday, we’re heading into chapter 6 of the Sermon on the Mount. This is “part 2” of the main... more
We’re now winding down our study of the second section of the Sermon on the Mount (5:17-48), in which Jesus... more
This week, we’ll see that Jesus wants to re-order our desire for revenge, the universal thirst to pay back evil... more
This Sunday, we’ll continue in our study of the Sermon on the Mount, looking at the next of the series... more
As we continue our study of the Sermon on the Mount, this week we come to Jesus’ teaching on marriage... more
This Sunday we'll be led by our amazing students in every aspect of our worship service. The preachers will be reflecting on a... more
This week, Jesus addresses the issues of lust, sex and adultery.
This Sunday we are continuing in our study of Jesus' teaching in the sermon on the mount, this time on... more
This Sunday, we're back to the Sermon on the Mount! After spending this fall in the introduction (Matthew 5:1-16), we'll... more
This weekend, we will join together to proclaim the good news of Christmas alongside our brothers and sisters. Ed will... more
Christmas Eve 2024 by Third Church, RVA
This Sunday, Rick Hutton preaches the Messiah's promise to heal the divisions of the earth.
This Sunday, we’ll look at Christ as the Daystar, and what it means to invite him to shine his light... more
This Sunday we'll be looking at the next ancient name of the Messiah, "Key of David."
This Sunday, we’ll learn about the third ancient Advent Antiphon and the third verse of the hymn "O Come O... more
This Sunday we'll look at the second of the Antiphons and verse 2 of O Come O Come Emmanuel, which focuses on God's revelation... more
This Sunday we're starting Advent, the season which most closely reflects the posture of the entire Christian life. We are people who live... more
This Sunday we’ll be looking again Matthew 5:13-16, which speaks of Jesus' calling on his people to be agents of renewal and... more
Next Sunday we will dive more deeply into the two key metaphors Jesus employs in this teaching: salt and light. But this... more
We're going to spend one last week in the beatitudes, but this time we're going to look at them as a complete... more
We look at the last of the eight beatitudes this week and explore what persecution meant in Jesus's time and... more
This week we'll continue in our study with the 7th beatitude, "Blessed are the peacemakers."
This Sunday, we'll look at two beatitudes about being merciful and pure in heart. What do these concepts mean today,... more
This Sunday we'll turn to the next beatitude, “Blessed are the meek…” 9/15/24 Sermon Sources: - "What does righteousness mean?" Become New Podcast,... more
This Sunday we'll turn to the next beatitude, “Blessed are the meek…” 9/8/24 Sermon Sources: - Opening illustration from Greg Thompson, "A Community... more
This week we'll continue to explore the upside-down Kingdom of Jesus through the lens of the beatitudes. This Sunday we'll look... more
In this special podcast episode, listen in as we explore how Christians can think about the upcoming election, and how... more
This week we’ll learn about what it means to be “poor in spirit” and why Jesus promises that the Kingdom... more
This week, we're kicking off a new sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount, one of the most important... more
This Sunday we conclude our Summer Series in the Psalms looking at the end of the Psalter at Psalm 150
This Sunday, we continue our study of the Psalms looking at Psalm 67 and are glad to have Richard Haney,... more
This week we look at Psalm 42, a well known Psalm written from a place of honest turmoil and questioning.... more
This Sunday, Ed Satterfield continues our study of the Psalms looking at Psalm 91 and the certainty of God’s promise... more
Guest preacher Nathan Walton continues our summer series on the Psalms preaching from Psalm 29.
We continue our summer series on the Psalms this Sunday with local mission partner Murray Withrow preaching on Psalm 8.
This week we're looking at Psalm 51, one of the most well-known and also one of the most emotional prayers... more
We continue our summer series on the Psalms this Sunday with Nicole Unice preaching on Psalm 107.
We continue our summer series on the Psalms this Sunday with Pastor Fakhri Yacoub from the Christian Arabic Church preaching... more
This Summer, we’re looking at the Psalms as the prayerbook of the church. This week, we’re exploring Psalm 19, and... more
This Summer, we’re looking at the Psalms as the prayerbook of the church, beginning with Psalm 1.
Rev. Dr. Tharwat Wahba will be preaching from John 20:19-23 and reflecting on God's call on the Son and Jesus'... more
This week, we'll be looking at 1 John 5, and the promise that "He who has the son, has the... more
This week, we'll be looking at 1 John 5, and the promise that "He who has the son, has the... more
Love Is, Love Does by Third Church, RVA
As you come to worship this Sunday, come to share that walk with your brothers and sisters with a readiness... more
This Sunday we’ll explore the great love that God has given to us in making us his children.
This Sunday we're continuing our new series on the book of 1 John. I'm really excited that we're welcoming as our preacher... more
This Sunday we’ll start to answer that question a bit as we kick off a new sermon series on the... more
The grave cannot hold him, death cannot win. Hallelujah! Join in the celebration on Easter Sunday.
Maundy Thursday 2024 by Third Church, RVA
Our text this week includes Romans 8:28, perhaps one of the most well-known and well-loved verses in Scripture. What does... more
This week we are continuing our study of Romans 8 and diving into Paul's theology of suffering and glory. This... more
This Sunday we'll continue our exploration of Romans 8. Building on the theme of identity that we addressed this week,... more
This week we'll continue with the next section of Romans 8 and explore the new kind of life we are... more
This Sunday we’re kicking off a new sermon series for Lent called "Nothing Separates," based on Romans chapter 8.
Second, and just as importantly, on this "Vision Sunday" Corey shares the vision for our congregation that we believe God... more
This coming Sunday is a very special day as well as we will be welcoming Pastor Samuel Adel, pastor of El Sharabia Presbyterian Church... more
This Sunday is Youth Sunday! This is always a beloved Sunday in our community as we witness our students leading... more
This Sunday, we’ll finish our three week miniseries on Philemon, exploring the ways grace brings transformation to the world itself.
This Sunday we'll continue our study of Paul's letter to Philemon. The grace of God that transforms each of us... more
This Sunday we're kicking off a little 3-week sermon series on Paul's letter to Philemon. This often overlooked book is power-packed with... more
This weekend, we will join together to proclaim the good news of Christmas alongside our brothers and sisters.
This Sunday we celebrate the coming of Jesus—the Son of the Most High, fully man and fully God, come to... more
As we approach the third Sunday of Advent, take some time with the Lord to get still and to invite... more
This Sunday we'll be looking at another great Advent text in Isaiah.
We'll spend the next few Sundays delving into some classic Advent texts from the book of Isaiah.
This Sunday, mission partner Pastor Leon Dorleans preaches on Acts 26:19-23, focusing on our calling to see the world as... more
On Sunday, Elisabeth Hayes will be preaching on the same theme of the Local Missions conference, proximity.
As we come to the end of this book, Qohelet encourages us to ponder deeply the meaning of life, despite... more
This Sunday we'll also be back with Qohelet for a couple more weeks as we wrap up our study on... more
This Sunday we’ll be hearing from Pastor Fakhri Yacoub, pastor of the Christian Arabic Church. Fakhri will be speaking about... more
We are nearing the end of this rich book. Qohelet begins offering more guidance about how to live well. This... more
This Sunday we'll be looking at the subject of suffering and how to deal wisely with our seasons of pain.... more
In the Scripture text for this Sunday, Qohelet turns back to his research on on the meaning of life, this... more
This Sunday we’ll look at the serious subject of injustice, and how Qohelet grieves over the way things often work... more
This Sunday we will turn to Ecclesiastes 3 and a mysterious element of being human: the enigma of time. How... more
This Sunday we’ll continue our journey with Qohelet, this time looking at this experiment with work. Can the work of... more
This week, we’ll be getting into the rest of chapter 1 and a bit of chapter 2, learning about Qohelet’s... more
This week, we’ll be getting into the rest of chapter 1 and a bit of chapter 2, learning about Qohelet’s... more
This Sunday we'll be starting a new fall sermon series on the Book of Ecclesiastes. This book honestly faces some... more
This Sunday, we’ll be coming back together after summer break to recommit to our life of following Jesus together. We’ll... more
This Sunday is our last week in our summer series Pointing to the Promise. We’ll be looking at the story... more
This Sunday we’ll be looking at the great story about Daniel and the lion’s den and how it points to... more
This Sunday our covenant partner and elder Justin Earley will be preaching on David, and how the story of his... more
This Sunday we’ll be looking at Deborah and how her story points to the promise of deliverance.
This Sunday we’ll be looking at the wonderful story of Ruth and how it demonstrates God's long, faithful work of... more
This Sunday, Corey will be preaching about Joshua and God’s promise to finally bring his people to a land where... more
This Sunday Elisabeth Hayes will be preaching on the epic story of Moses and the crossing of the Red Sea.... more
This week in worship, we will explore the story of Joseph and the way God shows His mercy to bring... more
This Sunday, Elisabeth Hayes will continue in our journey through the Old Testament and lead us through the story of... more
This Sunday, Rick Hutton will kick off a new summer sermon series called "Pointing to the Promise." We'll be looking at... more
This Sunday, we’ll conclude our series “Always With You” by looking at John 17:20-26. In this passage we’ll see Jesus’... more
This Sunday we’ll explore an aspect of this global mission by looking at the first part of Jesus’ momentous prayer... more
This Sunday we'll continue in our series on John 15-17 and return to Jesus' teaching on the Holy Spirit in... more
This Sunday, we’ll dig deeper into the mystery of “remaining” in the love of God through our connection to Jesus,... more
Life on the Vine by Third Church, RVA
This Sunday we’ll continue in John 14 as Jesus addresses the person of the Holy Spirit.
This Sunday we are continuing in our new series on John chapters 14-17, “Always With You.”
As Jesus prepares to depart to the Father, leaving the disciples physically, he promises that he will come to them... more
This Sunday we’ll begin the journey of Holy Week together as we remember Jesus’ great act of suffering love for... more
Palm Sunday, 2023 by Third Church, RVA
This Sunday we’ll look at John 12:20-33, a pivotal hinge in the book of John as events move swiftly toward... more
This Sunday we are looking at the final major miracle in the book of John, the raising of Lazarus. This... more
This Sunday, we’ll be looking at the wonderful story of the healing of the blind man in John 9.
This Sunday we will look at the invitation to receive Jesus as “the Bread of life” in John 6.
This Sunday we’ll continue our study of the Gospel of John, looking at the famous story of Jesus walking on... more
Come and See: The Healer by Third Church, RVA
Come and see: The Living Water by Third Church, RVA
Youth Sunday by Third Church, RVA
This Sunday we’ll look at the next story of Jesus in the Gospel of John, what has been classically called... more
This Sunday we’ll look at the first public miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John, when he changes water... more
As the Gospel of John introduces us to Jesus, we’ll see the quiet and beautiful way Jesus begins to build... more
Join us as we kick off a new sermon series to coincide with our move to Regency! Together, we’ll hear... more
This Sunday we’ll continue our “Songs of Christmas” series by looking at the Nunc Dimitis, Simeon’s Song.
This Sunday we’ll continue our “Songs of Christmas” series by looking at the Nunc Dimitis, Simeon’s Song.
This Sunday we’re continuing in our “Song of Christmas” series by looking at Mary’s song, often called The Magnificat. While... more
I’m grateful for Justin Earley’s sermon this Sunday that reminded us of the great themes of this Advent season: darkness,... more
Isaiah: A Song of Waiting by Third Church, RVA
This Sunday we’ll be talking about what it means to “Walk Humbly with God.”
The Way of Tov: Mercy by Third Church, RVA
What does this ancient word from an Israelite prophet have to say to us about how God’s people are called... more
The Other Sheep by Third Church, RVA
This Sunday we’re wrapping up our current series with our final “Out” focus.
This Sunday we are shifting to our final focus, “Life for the World.” The church is such a peculiar institution... more
This week we’ll be talking about how we use our gifts to serve and give to one another.
This Sunday we’ll move into our third practice in this current sermon series, “Make time to gather with your community.”
This Sunday we’ll look at this pattern in Jesus’ life and what we can learn about our need for “the... more
This Sunday we'll look at why corporate worship is so important and what it does for us to commit to... more
This Sunday Corey focuses on the simple call to return to Christ, the one around whom our life is centered.
This Sunday, we'll wrap up our summer series "Taste and See" with the culminating image of food in the Bible:... more
This Sunday, we'll wrap up our summer series "Taste and See" with the culminating image of food in the Bible:... more
This Sunday we’ll continue our Taste and See series by looking at a story of the early church from Acts... more
This Sunday, we'll be looking at a fascinating meal that the resurrected Jesus shares with Peter and a few other... more
This week Nan Clarke will be looking at the final Passover meal that Jesus’ disciples share with him, a meal... more
This week, we will continue our Taste & See sermon series, in which we've been invited to deeply experience God's... more
This week, Charles Teixeira will dive into a moment in Christ’s ministry that shows us the compassion of God which... more
This week Rick Hutton looks at Isaiah and God’s call to give thanks for his great generosity.
This week Elisabeth Hayes leads us in a study of God’s care for the prophet Elijah.
Taste and See: God's Provision by Third Church, RVA
This week we’ll explore the original Passover narrative and what it means for this God to be present among us... more
This Sunday we’re starting a new summer sermon series called “Taste and See." We’ll be tracing the theme of food... more
For this Sunday, we’ll be wrapping up our series “Our Resurrection Hope,” with a final sermon that focuses on our... more
This Sunday we’ll be looking at how the resurrection provides hope for our labor, basically all the work we do... more
We continue to explore our resurrection hope this Sunday as learn about the hope of the resurrection for our relationships.... more
Audio Appendix: Hope For Our Bodies Q&A by Third Church, RVA
This Sunday our topic is Hope for Our Bodies. We’ll explore the shocking nature of the ultimate Christian hope, which... more
This Sunday we’re looking at how the resurrection of Jesus changes our experience of suffering.
This Sunday we'll continue our celebration of the resurrection by turning to the writings of Paul. We'll explore how the... more
This Sunday, Nan Clarke will be preaching on a story about how the resurrection changed one particular person- the apostle... more
Starting this Sunday, we'll be going deep into "Our Resurrection Hope," discovering the impact of the resurrection for our lives,... more
On this Easter Sunday, we look at the story of the women who come to the tomb and find it... more
This Sunday is Palm Sunday, which means Lent is drawing to a close as we head into Holy Week. Elisabeth... more
We finish our exploration of the wonderful chapter of Mark 10 this week with the story of Bartimaeus. This Sunday... more
What is missions anyway? Well, it is broader and more integrated than we may think! Listen to this special lecture... more
This Sunday we’ll look at the next section in this action packed chapter 10 of the book of Mark. As... more
This Sunday we’ll learn about a very personal encounter that Jesus has with a successful young man in Mark 10,... more
This week we welcome Dr. Christopher J.H. Wright to look with us at a great text about prayer, doubt and... more
This Sunday we’ll see the turn that the book of Mark takes when Peter confesses Jesus’ identity, and Jesus then... more
We continue this week in our series on Mark as Corey preaches on the story of Legion.
This Sunday we’ll see Jesus as the one who calms storms. Elisabeth Hayes will be preaching on this famous story,... more
In a time of immense restlessness and conflict, we are meditating this week on Jesus as the Lord of the... more
This Sunday we’ll continue in our series on the Gospel of Mark. Corey preaches on Mark 2:1-12, a moving story... more
This Sunday is Youth Sunday! Sometimes we refer to our young people as the "future church," but on this particular... more
This Sunday we’ll look at the first words of Jesus in the book of Mark: “The time has come! The... more
We’re also beginning a new sermon series this Sunday on the Gospel of Mark called The Way of Jesus. From... more
The book of Ephesians is all about the new things God has done through the gospel, and in our text... more
Today we begin the season of Christmastide which lasts a full 12 days. Over these next days, we celebrate the... more
What Happened After Christmas by Third Church, RVA
Mothers of Jesus: Mary by Third Church, RVA
We are nearing the end of our Advent sermon series on the mothers of Jesus with this look at Bathsheba.... more
This week, we continue our study of the Mothers of Jesus - a look at the five women mentioned in... more
This Sunday we’ll continue with our Mothers of Advent series by looking at the next mother in Matthew’s genealogy, Rahab.
This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent! We begin again a new cycle of the Christian year, retelling the... more
This Sunday is the last Sunday of the Christian calendar year, which has historically been called "Christ the King" Sunday.... more
This Sunday we’ll look at the climax that we have moving toward since 1 Samuel 16, when the young shepherd... more
This Sunday we’ll continue the story of David the King. Pastor Fakhri Yacoub will be preaching on “A Merciful King,”... more
This Sunday we continue with the story of the kings of Israel. The story takes a surprising turn when just... more
This Sunday we’ll continue in the story of the monarchy as the spotlight now swings to the king-elect David. In... more
This Sunday we’ll traverse into the next great chapter of the history of the monarchy in Israel: we will meet... more
This week we’ll see how a well-meaning and gifted person like Saul can go from being a promising young King... more
This Sunday we’ll continue our study of 1 Samuel by seeing the first major mistake Saul makes as king.
This week, we’ll continue the story as God concedes to Israel’s demand for a King and selects a young man... more
Clamor for a King by Third Church, RVA
Return to Community by Third Church, RVA
This Sunday we’ll walk through a biblical understanding of work, both the goodness of work in God’s created order, the... more
This week we look at one of the miracles of Jesus and the powerful transformation he is offering to us... more
This week we look at one of the miracles of Jesus and the powerful transformation he is offering to us... more
This Sunday we’ll look at Psalm 139 and God’s invitation to the good life of knowing him and be known... more
This Sunday we’ll look at hospitality and its importance as a spiritual practice.
An Invitation to Hear God’s Voice by Third Church, RVA
This Sunday we’ll be looking at God’s invitation to work and rest. - John Eldridge, Get Your Life Back - John Mark... more
This week we look at the invitation to freedom, and the spiritual abundance that comes from the discipline of simplicity... more
This Sunday we’ll look at God’s invitation to communion. As Jesus lived in ongoing communion with his Father, he now... more
An Invitation To Worship by Third Church, RVA
Sermon Sources: - John Eldridge, Get Your Life Back - Rankin Wilbourne, Union with Christ - Dallas Willard, Life Without Lack - David Brooks,... more
This Sunday we are finishing up our series on 2 Corinthians by looking at chapter 12:1-10, and the words of... more
This week we look at chapter 9, where we are encouraged to give so we can receive so much more:... more
This week we come to a new section of Paul’s letter, chapters 8 and 9, where he talks about the... more
This Sunday we’ll be looking at 2 Corinthians 6, and Paul’s continued appeal to his friends to commit themselves wholly... more
The Ministry of Reconciliation by Third Church, RVA
This Sunday, we’ll continue our study of 2 Corinthians by looking at the first part of chapter 5. Derek Mondeau... more
The passage this week is probably one of the most famous of the whole book. Paul’s metaphor of having “treasure... more
This Sunday, we’re continuing our series on 2 Corinthians by looking at the way God uses weak people to make... more
This sermon was co-written with Rev. Kevin Germer of Christ Presbyterian Church, Richmond. Sermon sources: - Paul... more
This Sunday we kick off a series on 2 Corinthians titled “Power In Weakness.” We’ll look at Paul’s counter-cultural invitation... more
This Sunday we’re privileged to hear from Fakhri Yacoub, pastor of our sister congregation the Christian Arabic Church. Fakhri will... more
Easter Sunday: A Living Hope by Third Church, RVA
This week we’ll look at the fruit of self-control. Under the leadership of Jesus and his Spirit we can order... more
What’s the big deal about the seven days between Palm Sunday and Easter? Becca Payne sits down with Corey Widmer... more
We’re nearing the end of our study of the fruit of the Spirit. This week we’ll look at “gentleness,” probably... more
This Sunday we are looking at the fruit of faithfulness. Faithfulness is at the heart of the gospel! Because of... more
Goodness in a Time of Brokenness by Third Church, RVA
This week we look at the fruit of kindness. While kindness has undergone a bit of a popularity surge in... more
This week we look to our next fruit of the spirit: patience. In a time when we are weary and... more
This Sunday we look at the spiritual fruit of peace. Biblical peace is not really defined as inner state of... more
This Sunday we look at “Joy in a Time of Cynicism.” Derek Mondeau, our Pastor of Discipleship and Parish Life,... more
This week we take a look at the fruit of love, which is in many ways the crown of all... more
What’s the big deal about the seven days between Palm Sunday and Easter? Becca Payne sits down with Corey Widmer and Dan... more