Called together for the renewal of all things through Jesus Christ
This Sunday, we’ll look at Christ as the Daystar, and what it means to invite him to shine his light... more
This Sunday we'll be looking at the next ancient name of the Messiah, "Key of David."
This Sunday, we’ll learn about the third ancient Advent Antiphon and the third verse of the hymn "O Come O... more
This Sunday we'll look at the second of the Antiphons and verse 2 of O Come O Come Emmanuel, which focuses on God's revelation... more
This Sunday we're starting Advent, the season which most closely reflects the posture of the entire Christian life. We are people who live... more
This Sunday we’ll be looking again Matthew 5:13-16, which speaks of Jesus' calling on his people to be agents of renewal and... more
Next Sunday we will dive more deeply into the two key metaphors Jesus employs in this teaching: salt and light. But this... more
We're going to spend one last week in the beatitudes, but this time we're going to look at them as a complete... more
We look at the last of the eight beatitudes this week and explore what persecution meant in Jesus's time and... more
This week we'll continue in our study with the 7th beatitude, "Blessed are the peacemakers."