Dr Karl’s a curious optimist – a great combination for a science lover. Join him and his guests for weird facts, amazing... more
Dr Karl consults with circular economy expert, experienced waste manager, change maker and garbologist Belinda Chellingworth. Waste is expensive so... more
A shameless piece of cross promotion for ABC podcast 'What the Duck' with Dr Ann Jones about plant and animal... more
Global Warming is caused by burning fossil fuels. "Slick: Australia's Toxic Relationship With Big Oil " is journalist Royce Kurmelovs'... more
Dr Karl talks with the Australian working on the surface of Mars, Dr Adrian Brown from NASA. Hear how AI... more
Dr Frederic Bertley is a leading educator, President and CEO of the Center for Science and Industry (COSI), one of... more
Feelings live in our brain. Some are painful like anxiety and addiction and can ruin lives. So why aren't hypnotherapy... more
What will our human space colonies look like? Dr Karl checks with research spanning more than 10,000 years. Meet University... more
Stand-up comedian, ex-maths teacher and author Matt Parker chats about his bestselling book on three-sided figures called Love Triangle. Dr... more
When Artificial Intelligence is everywhere what should be the rules? Dr Karl and Natasha Blycha test Isaac Asimov's Laws of... more
Author and astrophysicist Marcus Chown tells of the forgotten Australian female astronomer who helped discover the first black hole. Dr... more
When Artificial Intelligence is everywhere what should be the rules? Dr Karl and Natasha Blycha test Isaac Asimov's Laws of Robotics and... more