Barbarians, political breakdown, economic collapse, mass migration, pillaging and plunder. The fall of the Roman Empire has been studied for years, but... more
Welcome to "The Pursuit of Dadliness." This is a podcast for folks who want to enjoy their passions and their... more
How did a changing climate and plague play into the fall of the Roman Empire? I'm joined by Kyle Harper,... more
Justinian was the last great Roman emperor, but his reign was plagued by disasters beyond his control: volcanic eruptions, a... more
Justinian is one of the defining figures of the Roman Empire. In many ways, he marks the boundary between Antiquity... more
While the western half of the Roman Empire was collapsing, the east managed to weather the storm of the disastrous... more
When we talk about the fall of the Roman Empire, we're only talking about the western half - France, Spain,... more
How did Latin splinter into the Romance languages? In this episode, we explore how Latin transformed from a single, widely... more
Cities were what made the Roman world Roman, but as the Empire fell apart, so did its cities. They shrank drastically... more
Cities were what made the Roman world, well, Roman. They were centers of culture and political life, and they were... more
History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme, said Mark Twain. From the fall of the Roman Empire to the... more