You know that health and happiness aren’t things you can outsource. You’ve also got a full plate, and making the time to... more
You're probably aware of how powerful acupuncture is for treating pain. Chinese herbal Medicine has a role to play as... more
You know we need a healthy gut microbiome in order to digest and absorb nutrients from our food – without... more
In September 2023, my Chinese Medical practice turned 20 years old. This episode started off as a retrospective on lessons... more
Moving from overwhelm to a more healthy life is often about small steps. One such step can be embracing the... more
Taking steps in the direction of better health is a multi-faceted process. Not only do we have to take care... more
This season of the podcast has focused a lot on demystifying different aspects of Chinese Medicine. From acupressure to qi... more
A consistent theme in this show is empowering you to embody self-respect through daily actions; to take small steps in... more
Whether dealing with a COVID infection or just moving through life, a lot of us may be hitting energetic walls... more
What do you do when your back hurts, or when your neck and shoulders get tight and sore? Acupuncture is... more
Chances are, if you're checking out this episode, you're looking for tools and techniques to help tune into yourself and... more
Winter is cold, dark, slow time of year, and since we’re a part of nature, it’s easy for us to... more
What would you really like to make time for on a regular basis, that somehow keeps getting pushed to the... more
From time to time, every one of us makes mistakes and bad decisions. Once we recognize what happened, it can... more
Our digestive microbiome supports every other system in our bodies. Since we can't use what we can't digest and what... more
Given the stress and restriction of the last year, a lot of us might be carrying around some neck pain... more
It's been a tough year. As we slowly begin to emerge from, hopefully, the worst of the pandemic, we're also... more
Almost everyone that comes through the clinic is dealing with some combination of two things: stress and dampness. This episode... more
As the world slowly begins to emerge from the worst of the COVID era, there is a lot of collective... more
Maintaining a healthy alignment with our bodies so often comes back to keeping things balanced and our hormones are no... more
Chinese Medicine teaches us that winter is a time of quiet and stillness, a time for reflecting and conserving scarce... more
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments in the population. In this... more
Having recently explored the biomedical aspects of acupuncture on the show, this conversation takes an interesting counterpoint to examine how... more
Suffering from chronic pain is not a sign of brokenness, it's part of the human experience. If you're interested in... more
In our journey of learning to embody self-respect, it's always important to include respecting our bodies. After centuries of propaganda... more
A lot of us that are working toward personal growth and evolution are always looking for ways to avoid getting... more
As we're coming to the close of a particularly difficult year, we're all probably feeling pretty stressed. For kids who... more
What does it mean to be embodied? To start cultivating embodiment, we can often begin by bringing more focus to... more
As we continue to investigate ways we can use our bodies to affect our minds, we're taking a deeper look... more
The answers we get about trauma often depend on the questions we ask. If you're feeling stuck in your healing... more
If you've been looking for a different approach to cultivating emotional wellness and wellbeing, you will definitely want to catch... more
Our responses to stress can often be habituated in ways we may not like. With practice, however, it's possible to... more
In a time when a lot of us are dealing with strong, difficult emotions, it can be easy to slip... more
In challenging times, taking the time to make sure we take care of ourselves can be especially difficult. As the... more
The hormonal shifts women experience later in life, namely perimenopause and menopause, aren't talked about very often. This lack of... more
If you suffer from chronic pain, migraines, ongoing concussion symptoms, or really anything related to neurology, you'll definitely want to... more
Seeing herbs in action is a powerful reminder of why we can find roots of herbal medicine in basically every... more
Fibromyalgia is an incredibly complex syndrome that involves multiple, intertwined systems in the body. The collection of symptoms and expressions... more
If you're curious about trying acupuncture or know someone who may benefit from it, it can be helpful to understand... more
Whether you're feeling tight and stressed, listless and exhausted, or generally just not at your best, one of the most... more
As we're taking a brief pause from the regular podcasting schedule, Ali Shapiro gave us permission to rebroadcast this interview... more
Operating with a sustainable level of energy is not exactly a practice that's encouraged in our culture. Particularly in times... more
In a yang addicted society, particularly in the COVID era, falling asleep and staying asleep can be a serious challenge.... more
Understanding our traits and tendencies through a framework like the Five Elements can allow us to step beyond allopathic identifiers... more
Do you suspect that you could have more energy or feel better than you currently do? Viewing our bodies as... more
As we age, our bodies can send us messages about what's happening and what we need to do in the... more
There are any number of reasons that you may be experiencing heaviness right now. Fortunately, there are methods available to... more
One of the greatest strengths inherent to Chinese Medicine is the focus on getting specific to the individual and the... more
Trauma is unfortunately an all too common reality. This leads to unknowingly connecting everyday triggers to life threatening feelings which... more
With so many personality assessments and indicators out there, it can be easy to fall into a rigid idea of... more
Given the frenetic pace of life we deal with today, it's useful to mine the wisdom traditions for ways to... more
At a time when racism's effects on the US are on display, as they've been with the most recent slayings... more
There's a lot of fascinating research being done that continues to bridge the gap between Chinese Medicine and the conventional... more
What happens when we stop trying to actively find the solutions for health problems and instead stop to listen to... more
We typically know the things we need to do to take better care of ourselves, so why is it so... more
In this time of social distancing and isolation, one of our natural tendencies is to eat as a way of... more
A lack of confidence can be a huge roadblock in many aspects of our lives, but fortunately we can cultivate... more
Despite the significant percentage of women affected by polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, it often goes undiagnosed or diagnosed incorrectly.... more
When we're trying to stay healthy, it's crucial to remember there are multiple ways of looking at our health and... more
Incorporating a therapeutic diet and lifestyle is a central tenet of a lot of different approaches to health. It's always... more
As we’re grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, conditions are changing super fast so it’s crucial we find ways to stay... more
Fertility problems are often a lonely and stressful experience, but Denise Wiesner joins this conversation to share why that doesn't... more
Ensuring that our bones stay strong throughout our health span means not waiting until retirement to think about it. Bone... more
Contrary to the prevailing way of thinking, aging does not have to be about deterioration. Debra Atkinson joins this conversation... more
It's always interesting to dive deeper into the places where modern research starts to overlap with the teachings of Chinese... more
Our bodies are smart. We can get bogged down in focusing on different cues for how we think our body... more
For both men and women, it's tough to slow down. The effects of not slowing down can end up seeping... more
Privilege has a lot of layers. Each of us, particularly in dominant groups, often benefit from several different layers, which... more
In the spirit of a new year and taking a step back to replenish ourselves, this episode is a special... more
We often talk about things like anxiety and perfectionism and when these issues are carried out to an extreme, they... more
Living in today's industrialized society, we're exposed to environmental toxins that can overload our systems. Combine that with the junk... more
In a busy world that seems to demand more and more of our attention everyday, falling asleep can often be... more
Anxiety has surpassed depression as the number one mental illness in the US. Could our food and missing amino acids... more
Power is a complicated structure. With dimensions relating to both the yin and yang, those different aspects of power ultimately... more
Creating and maintaining healthy habits is often the biggest lever that we can pull to affect our health and happiness,... more
Certain changes in our lives can often make us feel so exhausted and overwhelmed because it feels like there isn't... more
How do we find gratitude when we're in really tough situations? How do we soften ourselves and show compassion to... more
A significant part of treating patients through Chinese Medicine is communicating the aspects of healing that are beyond just the... more
Healing journeys can be incredibly stressful, but important events in our lives. Dr. Brenda Walding experienced her own protracted healing... more
Our need for belonging and approval traces its roots back to our primary evolution to survive, but today, it can... more
Some of us constantly find ourselves overcoming obstacle after obstacle that’s ultimately stemming from our own sense of anxiety which... more
We've talked about shame recently and how it can hold us back, but what about the kind of shame that... more
Shame, and the fear of it, can be such a powerful obstacle that it can stop us from doing all... more
As humans, we’ve evolved to have strong, often unconscious reactions to thoughts and situations that might cause us to be... more
When I say the word “posture,” do you immediately feel your body tense and gravitate to an unnatural, uncomfortable position?... more
Being successful does not necessarily bring happiness. For my guest Dr. Andrea Pennington, it did the exact opposite: it burned... more
Pelvic Pain Solutions for Women with Dr. Jessica Drummond Is it normal to have pain with your menstrual cycle? Or... more
Decompressing Time with Brodie Welch, L.Ac., M.S.O.M. How often do you feel “pressed for time?” Feeling “time-crunched” is an all-too... more
Meditation, Mindfulness and Manifesting Emily Fletcher So, sure, you've tried meditation. But, maybe you haven't been able to achieve the... more
DIY Detox with Bridgit Danner, L.Ac., F.D.N.P. No matter how well you eat, how much you exercise, toxins are everywhere. ... more
MELT Your Fascia -- and your pain with Sue Hitzmann, MS, CST, NMT We're used to thinking of ourselves as a... more
Depression and Yang Addiction with Brodie Welch, L.Ac. Calling all high-achievers, we who hold ourselves to high standards and push... more
Super Wellness Simplified with Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan In Chinese Medicine, health isn't just the absence of disease: it's about... more
31-Day Food Revolution with Ocean Robbins Eating "healthy" shouldn't be difficult, expensive, or confusing -- but it really can feel... more
Deep Core Messages From Your Psoas with Liz Koch The psoas is at the core of your body, and is... more
Ways We Self-Minimize with Brodie Welch, L.Ac. Do you move through the world in a powerful way? Or do you... more
Deconstructing Pain with Dr. Kevin Cuccaro Dealing with pain can be frustrating and, well...painful. If you don't suffer from a... more
Your 3-Word Rebellion with Michelle Mazur, Ph.D Words have power, maybe today more than ever. The capacity to live, spread... more
Mindfulness for Kids, Community and Planet with Liz Rutledge Mindfulness isn't just for adults anymore! Children experience their fair share... more
Forgiveness: Liver's Spring Cleaning with Brodie Welch, L.Ac. Ah spring! A time of new growth, spring cleaning, and, from a Chinese... more
CBD Demystified with Dr. Rachna Patel There's a lot of buzz about cannabis these days, specifically CBD: the component that... more
Beyond the Pill with Dr. Jolene Brighten Hormonal birth control pills can mean freedom from unwanted pregnancy, but this freedom... more
Poop: Why You Should Give a Crap With Dr. Marisol Teijeiro Do you poop consistently? Are you a "hyper wiper"?... more
Healing Anxiety with Stephanie Dalfonzo Have stress, anxiety, and struggling with sleep become your new normal? If yes, you’re so... more
Mastering Menopause the Keto-Green Way with Dr. Anna Cabeca Menopause can be a wild... more
Have you ever been "burned out?" Would you know it if you were? In a world that moves at hyper... more
As we hit our late 30s, it’s not unusual to are faced with new hormonal symptoms like hot flashes and... more
Happiness Skills with Nataly Kogan with Nataly Kogan Genuine emotional wellbeing doesn't come from making everything in our lives... more
Healing When It Seems Impossible with Dr. Shiroko Sokitch When we feel bad, sick, or unwell, we often ask "why... more
What if it's not what we eat, but when? This episode explores the part of your brain that... more
The feeling of overwhelm can be crippling. Even when we want to take better care of ourselves, self-care can become... more
What would happen if you loved and trusted your body? On today's episode, you'll learn about: a practice... more
Episode 129: Cultivating Energy with QiGong with Lee Holden Effortless power... sounds too good to be true, right? Well,... more
Episode 128: Achieving Your Health Goals 4 Key Factors Today, Brodie Welch digs into what we actually need to... more
Reversing Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Terry Wahls Autoimmune diseases are on the rise, but Dr. Terry Wahls recovered from... more
Episode 126: Hot Sex in Long-Term Relationships with Susan Bratton One of the biggest challenges of a long-term relationship, is... more
Wondering how to prioritize your own pleasure and re-discover your libido? On today's episode, you'll learn about: simple tantric... more
Looking to lose weight without changing your diet? On today’s episode, you’ll learn about: Why the WHEN of eating... more
Hormonal & Sexual Health for Women with Dr. Anna Cabeca On Today’s Episode of A Healthy Curiosity, you’ll learn... more
Real Food Revolution with Congressman Tim Ryan On Today’s Episode of A Healthy Curiosity, you’ll learn about: Reforming the... more
Put Your Oxygen Mask on First with Carly Banks On Today’s Episode of A Healthy Curiosity, you’ll learn about:... more
How to Change Habits with James Clear On Today’s Episode of A Healthy Curiosity, you’ll learn about: The connection... more
Healing the Psyche with Chinese Herbs with Justin Ehrlich On Today’s Episode of A Healthy Curiosity, you’ll learn about:... more
Food Sanity with Dr. David Friedman On Today’s Episode of A Healthy Curiosity, you’ll learn about: Separating food fact... more
Yoga of Money with Grace Edison On Today’s Episode of A Healthy Curiosity, you’ll learn about: What is the... more
Forgotten Medicines with Nick Polizzi On Today’s Episode of A Healthy Curiosity, you’ll learn about: Exploring beyond modern medicine... more
Episode 116: Forgotten Medicines with Nick Polizzi On Today’s Episode of A Healthy Curiosity, you’ll learn about: Exploring beyond... more
On Today’s Episode of A Healthy Curiosity, you’ll learn about: How to fall in love with discipline The... more
On Today’s Episode of A Healthy Curiosity, you’ll learn about: Ways to integrate self-care into your routine so... more
When I first heard of today’s guest, Ali Shapiro, I thought I found a kindred spirit. Ali is the founder... more
Lately, I’ve really focused on helping people step into the people they are becoming next, by aligning their good intentions... more
When I first heard of today’s guest, Ali Shapiro, I thought I found a kindred spirit. Ali is the founder of Truce... more