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Dr. Carlson's Science Theater
Dr. Carlson's Science Theater
Dr. Matt J. Carlson

Video podcast of cool science demonstrations. Join Dr. Matt Carlson as he risks life, limb, and dignity to bring you the finest... more

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Just a quick post to put up the new icon as demanded by iTunes... has to be larger so I... more

23 Mar 2013 ·
Gone to YouTube!

My deepest apologies for letting this languish, but for those seeking more information about the current developments of Science Theater...... more

07 Mar 2013 ·
Entropy - Episode 39

Entropy. It's why everything seems to break down and get messy. It is something that comes about when you have... more

16 Nov 2009 ·
Walking on Water - Episode 38

Winter is in the air, and it's cold out on the lake making it pretty easy to walk on water.... more

16 Jan 2009 ·
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle - Episode 37

Physics tells us that you can't know exactly where you are and where you are going at the same time!... more

22 Dec 2008 ·
A Particle Experiment - Episode 36

Pity the poor high energy particle physicists. In order to perform an experiment, they have to destroy whatever they're looking... more

20 Oct 2008 ·
Quantum Mechanics - Episode 35

Can you change reality just by looking at it? Dr. Carlson says no! Watch on to see just what we... more

07 May 2008 ·
Brainteaser 02 - A Straight Line

Is the best path between two points a straight line? The second video in our brainteaser series challenges the viewer... more

03 Apr 2008 ·
Brainteaser 01 - Rolling Uphill

Do you have what it takes to explain science? Try to explain how this object actually rolls uphill in this... more

20 Mar 2008 ·
The Sweat Episode - Episode 34

Yes, he's done freezing by boiling before, but this time Dr. Carlson uses liquid nitrogen, a special tube, and a... more

03 Mar 2008 ·
Dr. Carlson's Science Theater
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Dr. Carlson's Science Theater