The Godcasts below are excerpts from the 1,000s of Pastor White's messages he's delivered throughout these great United States and Chicago, IL... more
Gifts for Savior(s) - Gold, Frankinscence and Myrh and how they apply to You!
How To Have Victory Everday, part of Emotions tape series.
New Year's Eve - 2008 Chicago New Year's Services, Pastor Gordon White joins us as a special guest during this... more
New Year Message - 2008, Chicago New Year's Services.
The meaning of November, 11.06.
How To Receive the Holy Spirit and Gifts tape series.
Overcoming our personality with the Love and nature of Christ! Part of the 7 seals tape series.
The Six Waterpots of God Tape Series, Be Free of Condemnation message.
The Seven Seals Tape series, The Seventh Seal.
The Seven Seals Tape series, The Sixth Seal.