Conversations and audio documentaries exploring a wide variety of themes pertaining to economics and politics, hosted by Della Z Duncan and Robert... more
This is a free preview of the episode "Four Ways to Be Anticapitalist." You can listen to the full episode... more
Capitalism, imperialism, monopoly—far from being separate concepts that just happen to take shape parallel to one another or to overlap... more
This is a free preview of the episode "The More Than Human World" You can listen to the full episode... more
Happy Solstice! In this annual tradition, Della is joined by two fellow podcast hosts to reflect on the past year... more
Historical materialism is the science of Marxism. It’s the theory developed by Marx and Engels that explains how human societies... more
Anti-fatness as anti-Blackness. Being Black and fat in our capitalist, white-supremacist, ableist, heteronormative society is to live in a body... more
This is a free preview of the episode "Towards Socialism and the End of Capitalism: An Introduction." You can listen... more
It's been said that “the shortest path to the future is always one through the deepening of the past.” But... more
This is a free preview of the episode "Palestine Pt. 14: Decolonial Marxism w/ Patrick Higgins." You can listen to... more
Exhaustion. What a perfect and powerful word to describe our times. Exhausted bodies—over-worked, over-productive, over-stretched. Bodies pushed to their limits,... more
Anti-fatness as anti-Blackness. Being Black and fat in our capitalist, white-supremacist, ableist, heteronormative society is to live in a body that is... more