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This Working Life
This Working Life
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Helping you navigate your way through the tough times, looking for the sunshine and the humanity in the world of work.

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Advice for first time managers

You’re doing well in your career and are being steered towards the leadership track.  But it’s a common complaint within... more

27 Sep 2024 · 25 minutes
Learn how to think like an entrepreneur, wherever you are.

Melanie Perkins, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk all have one thing in common. They’ve leveraged the entrepreneur mindset... more

20 Sep 2024 · 25 minutes
Maybe change isn't all it's cracked up to be

You've likely been told to disrupt yourself and get better at dealing with change. But what if rapid change isn’t... more

13 Sep 2024 · 25 minutes
How to avoid ‘death by powerpoint’

We know that putting up slides with lots of text, and talking about them at the same time, is not... more

06 Sep 2024 · 24 minutes
Debunking the bad apple myth: what prevents workplace bullying

Awareness of psychosocial safety is growing and we know how destructive bullying can be. Yet incidents continue to occur, with performance management and... more

30 Aug 2024 · 25 minutes
To make work better, try subtraction.

What if instead of adding tasks to your long to do list, you considered what you could take away?  Professor Leidy... more

23 Aug 2024 · 25 minutes
How to manage neurodiversity at work

You have staff who are neurodivergent, and you want to help them do their best work. What do you need... more

16 Aug 2024 · 25 minutes
What’s the new ‘executive presence’?

Have you ever been in a room with a leader who has you hanging on every word, and leaves you... more

09 Aug 2024 · 25 minutes
Are you paying attention? This is why not.

Finding it hard to get your brain into gear? You might feel your mind wandering a bit, daydreaming of being... more

04 Aug 2024 · 24 minutes
Work (and take care of yourself) like an athlete

The psychology of performance is not just for elite sports, it can also help you do better at work. As the... more

26 Jul 2024 · 29 minutes
Your role is being made redundant. Now what?

Like it or not, redundancies are a part of the career cycle for many of us.  Whether it’s happening to you... more

21 Jul 2024 · 25 minutes
Back to the future: predictions on the future of work, then and now

In 2021 we asked experts to gaze into a crystal ball and give us their predictions for how work would... more

12 Jul 2024 · 25 minutes
How leaders can use humour at work, and keep everyone happy

Laughter is good for us, but sometimes jokes and funny quips just don't land, especially when they're delivered by your... more

05 Jul 2024 · 25 minutes
Why we love and hate jargon at work

Put a pin in it, leverage that, circle back, LMK (let me know) - ugh! Some of us are drawn... more

28 Jun 2024 · 25 minutes
Your new team member is an AI and they’re coming to your meeting

How is the use of artificial intelligence in meetings, recording transcripts, generating notes, listening in (!), affecting your work, and... more

21 Jun 2024 · 25 minutes
Uncertainty at work stressing you out? Here’s how to deal with it

Job cuts have been announced,  a restructure is imminent, you've got a new boss, AI is about to change your... more

14 Jun 2024 · 25 minutes
Job reference horror stories, and how to avoid them

They’re usually the last step in the process, but reference checks are an important part of a job hire. And... more

07 Jun 2024 · 25 minutes
Are you being micromanaged? Here’s how to break free

The junior person feels like they’re being micromanaged, but the manager feels like the job is not being done properly.... more

31 May 2024 · 25 minutes
How music’s secret skills can scale up your performance

You’ve probably got a focus music playlist but did you know being musically trained can help you in other jobs?... more

24 May 2024 · 24 minutes
What did you want to be when you grew up? Here's why it's still important.

Our childhood phantasy careers (different to fantasy with an ‘f’) help uncover our unconscious motivations and can unlock job satisfaction... more

17 May 2024 · 24 minutes
What does it mean to have an ethical career? And why should you care?

"Don't we all hold many things? We all have to work jobs often we don't fully politically or ethically agree... more

10 May 2024 · 24 minutes
How can you be a supercommunicator at work? Charles Duhigg explains...

“I can honestly say this is a question that I’ve never encountered before.” New Yorker magazine reporter and author of Supercommunicators... more

03 May 2024 · 24 minutes
Workplace romances - Why do we flirt and fall in love at work?

A new person joins the team and immediately sparks fly... or perhaps you start seeing a colleague in a different... more

26 Apr 2024 · 24 minutes
"Ideas are getting harder to come by" - How to strengthen your imagination muscle

Feel like you're cycling through the same old ideas? Or just tired and out of inspiration?  Albert Read has some tips... more

19 Apr 2024 · 24 minutes
How values can be your secret weapon at work

From creativity to collaboration, to growth and generosity, we can easily name values. But can we as easily apply them... more

12 Apr 2024 · 24 minutes
How to harness the power of stress

We all know the impact stress can have on our minds and bodies. But it turns out that it’s not... more

05 Apr 2024 ·
Three things you can do today for peak performance at work

We all know what we need to do to be healthy and feel good so why aren't we doing it? In... more

05 Apr 2024 · 24 minutes
Vulnerable vs oversharing at work – where’s the line?

Have you ever cried at work or been yelled at in front of your colleagues? In this third instalment of our... more

28 Mar 2024 · 25 minutes
The surprising key to curbing chronic pain at work

One in five of us are living and working with chronic pain. So why aren't we telling our colleagues and... more

22 Mar 2024 · 24 minutes
What is job strain and how is it impacting your health?

Welcome to a special series about your health at work. In Everything's fine... we'll be diving into topics that can be tricky to... more

15 Mar 2024 · 24 minutes
What's the ‘Hourglass Ceiling’ behind the gender pay gap?

On average, Australian women are paid $18,461 less than men per year. The recent report released by the Workplace Gender Equality... more

07 Mar 2024 · 24 minutes
How to curate constructive conflict at work

So you may have witnessed some tense conflicts at work. Someone may have even raised their voice at you. But... more

01 Mar 2024 · 24 minutes
What the 'right to disconnect' from work means for you

There's been a lot of talk about the new right to disconnect laws. But what do they mean for you,... more

23 Feb 2024 · 24 minutes
Zombie Leadership: How to kill the Hollywood narrative

It’s been dubbed the Hollywood narrative of leadership - that leaders are special, and that we can’t work or succeed... more

16 Feb 2024 · 24 minutes
Can’t decide what to listen to? Try this...

It’s estimated we make up to 35,000 decisions every day so how can you make better decisions at work?  Before you... more

11 Feb 2024 · 24 minutes
How you can be a Friction Fixer at work

Friction is everywhere - from our systems to our relationships at work. But there’s good news - not all friction is... more

02 Feb 2024 · 24 minutes
Are you paying attention? This is why not.

Finding it hard to get your brain into gear for the work year? You might feel your mind wandering a bit,... more

28 Jan 2024 · 24 minutes
Feeling a bit stuck? Here's how to progress in your work

Feeling a little bit stuck right now? Like you want to progress on something but feel a bit glued up? Why does... more

21 Jan 2024 · 25 minutes
Why you should say 'no' more at work

Saying "yes" too often can leave you feeling overwhelmed and perhaps a bit resentful. You might hear yourself saying "yes... more

14 Jan 2024 · 25 minutes
How to be a leader with both your head and your heart

Our image and expectation of a good leader is changing, and increasingly we're needing them to use both their head... more

07 Jan 2024 · 25 minutes
The power of Anti-Striving and feeling less ambitious

We've seen the Great Resignation, Lying Flat in China and Quiet Quitting. And now we're hearing murmurings of another movement... more

31 Dec 2023 · 25 minutes
How to get along with difficult colleagues

We've all had to work with 'that' difficult person that we just clash with. It's tense. It's stressful. And it's... more

24 Dec 2023 · 25 minutes
How one woman’s ‘fail’ lets us all embrace failure at work

When we make a mistake or fail at work we might want the earth to open up and swallow us... more

15 Dec 2023 · 24 minutes
Curiosity - Bad for cats. Good for workers.

We know curiosity is good for us and our work, but few of us actually feel it day to day.... more

09 Dec 2023 · 25 minutes
"You are surrounded by your worst triggers" - the sounds that drive you up the wall at work

From loud chewing to breathing and keyboard tapping, many of you have your pet peeves when it comes to sounds... more

01 Dec 2023 · 24 minutes
Why so tired? The 'Great November' disease at work

“If I can just get to Christmas, fall over the finishing line, it’ll all be fixed.” Sounds about right, but unfortunately... more

24 Nov 2023 · 25 minutes
The case for reading fiction at work

“Fiction seems to do something in our brains that nonfiction doesn't.” What was the last book you read? And did you... more

17 Nov 2023 · 24 minutes
Adam Grant on how to unleash your hidden potential

How do we go from wanting to do something to actually doing it, and doing it well? According to Organisational Psychologist... more

10 Nov 2023 · 25 minutes
How to escape the perfection trap

“I remember I wrote 500 words of my thesis on Christmas Day. I was really proud of that at the... more

03 Nov 2023 · 25 minutes
Out for blood: Energy vampires at work

They’re not creatures of the night, but creatures in every workplace. Ever had a colleague that left you feeling drained of... more

27 Oct 2023 · 25 minutes
Live at SXSW - Ben Crowe and Aubrey Blanche on why peak performance is dead

Why do our ‘old’ concepts of “High Performance Team” and "Peak Performance” need a rethink? Recorded live at SXSW Sydney, we... more

20 Oct 2023 · 25 minutes
URGENT! Listen to this episode (to control urgency at work)

Ever felt that overwhelming sense that there’s just not enough time to do your job? And that everything is suddenly... more

13 Oct 2023 · 24 minutes
Sick of meetings? Try this instead...

“If we do this, it could profoundly change how we are together.” Is your day full of meetings leaving you tired... more

06 Oct 2023 · 24 minutes
What to say when you’re put on the spot at work

You’ve been asked a curveball question in a job interview, or your boss has asked what you think in a... more

29 Sep 2023 · 25 minutes
How to think and work like an artist

“We are all artists, sometimes we forget that”. Even if you don’t think you have a creative job, or that you... more

22 Sep 2023 · 25 minutes
The art of negotiation: How to ask for a pay rise

You want to talk with your boss about a pay rise but even just thinking about it causes your heart... more

15 Sep 2023 · 25 minutes
How to Spring Clean your habits

Our habits, good and bad, influence how we live, and how we feel and perform at work. And if you’re... more

08 Sep 2023 · 25 minutes
The story of Leigh Sales: Career, courage and cello

In her new book Storytellers, Leigh Sales shares hard-won lessons on how to craft a story, how to listen and... more

01 Sep 2023 · 25 minutes
How to unlock the power of envy

A colleague gets promoted. A friend lands their dream job. You feel happy for them, but also, a pang of pain...... more

25 Aug 2023 · 25 minutes
The surprising lessons from leading a horse

What can guiding a horse teach us about leadership?  In recent years, ‘Equine Assisted Learning’ has been used in leadership development.... more

18 Aug 2023 · 25 minutes
Bonus Episode: A pioneering Matilda on teamwork and trust

We spoke with original Matildas player Dr Shona Bass in our recent episode The Matildas Effect but we loved her... more

14 Aug 2023 · 14 minutes
The Matildas Effect: The power of ‘us’ at work

Yesss, we’ve got World Cup fever! So what lessons can we learn for our work from the amazing gameplay the Matildas... more

11 Aug 2023 · 24 minutes
Michael Bungay Stanier on how to work with (almost) anyone

How can we best protect (and repair) our relationships at work? When we start working with someone we tend to just... more

04 Aug 2023 · 25 minutes
Steps to building an anti-racist workplace

What does it mean if you declare your workplace to be anti-racist? Where does lip service end and actual systemic... more

30 Jul 2023 · 25 minutes
Marcus Buckingham on how to find the love in what you do

There's the age old saying, do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life. But how... more

23 Jul 2023 · 25 minutes
Micro stress: How small stuff piles up - and how to find the antidote

Micro stressors - they’re just a normal part of the day, right? From when you wake up and check your... more

16 Jul 2023 · 25 minutes
Meet the First Nations entrepreneurs transforming business

This week we meet some of the next generation of Indigenous entrepreneurs who are influencing the way we think about business and... more

09 Jul 2023 · 24 minutes
Morra Aarons-Mele on how to reclaim power over your anxiety at work

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health conditions, but in the workplace, we don’t tend to talk openly about... more

02 Jul 2023 · 25 minutes
Seth Godin on how not to be a cog in the machine

In Seth’s latest book, The Song of Significance he gives us insight into what real leadership looks like and how it... more

25 Jun 2023 · 25 minutes
Why good people do bad things

“It just seems some of the lessons about ethical behaviour don’t appear to have really sunk in” - Peter Ryan, ... more

16 Jun 2023 · 29 minutes
This Working Life
The Matildas Effect: The power of ‘us’ at work
This Working Life

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Yesss, we’ve got World Cup fever! So what lessons can we learn for our work from the amazing gameplay the Matildas have shown,... more