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The Mind Your Business Podcast
The Mind Your Business Podcast
James Wedmore

All entrepreneurs want to know the secret to success. James Wedmore, a seven-figure online entrepreneur, believes success is created by mindset over... more

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9 Ways to Make Money in Your Business Fast You Probably Didn't Think of for 2024

Being in the online business space for years, I’ve learned one undeniable truth: opportunities are everywhere! In this episode, I... more

16 Sep 2024 · 38 minutes
How to Access the Answers You Desire Through the Power of Silence

Are you familiar with the concept of meditation, but you’re still unsure how to integrate the true power of silence... more

09 Sep 2024 · 1 hour,
The Power of Your Words

Language is a topic that I’ve been passionate about for years, and it’s something that makes a BIG impact in... more

02 Sep 2024 · 1 hour, 3 minutes
Two Invisible Tools for Expanding Abundance In Your Life and Business

In today's episode, we're continuing our series on transformative concepts that, while seemingly unrelated to business, are designed to elevate... more

26 Aug 2024 · 1 hour, 6 minutes
The Superpower of Developing an Equanimous Mind and the Art of Non-Attachment

There are a lot of topics that I’ve been thinking about sharing with our BBD Next Level members at our... more

19 Aug 2024 · 1 hour, 7 minutes
How to Unlock New Levels of Inspired Action Daily

Business is made up of so many choices, actions and decisions needed by you each day, but are you creating... more

12 Aug 2024 · 52 minutes
8 Essential Skills Required for Success in Any Arena

Last week, I gave you the 8 marketing skills you must learn if you want to be successful in any... more

05 Aug 2024 · 51 minutes
8 Marketing Skills You Must Learn If You Ever Want to be Successful in ANY Business, and How Mastering Them Will Make You RICH

Today’s topic has been on my mind for some time now, and I want to share the 8 marketing skills... more

29 Jul 2024 · 55 minutes
Lessons Learned From Our Biggest Launch Yet

For today’s solo episode, I want to give my thoughts on our biggest launch yet that just wrapped up in... more

22 Jul 2024 · 50 minutes
Awakening Your Intuitive Gifts

Jenni and I were recently with my sister Jill and Kathrin Zenkina, and since I had the mics there, I... more

15 Jul 2024 · 1 hour, 4 minutes
The Mind Your Business Podcast
9 Ways to Make Money in Your Business Fast You Probably Didn't Think of for 2024
The Mind Your Business Podcast