This series covers the Strachey Lectures, a series of termly computer science lectures named after Christopher Strachey, the first Professor of Computation... more
Strachey Lecture: From probabilistic bisimulation to representation learning via metrics - Professor Prakash Panangaden Bisimulation is a fundamental equivalence... more
The talk will emphasize the diversity of mathematical tools necessary for understanding blockchain protocols and their applications The talk will... more
Professor Christel Baier delivers the Hillary Term 2024 Strachey Lecture Abstract: The classical stochastic shortest path (SSP) problems asks to... more
In this term's Strachey lecture, Professor Monika Henzinger gives an introduction to differential privacy with an emphasis on differential private... more
It’s said that Henry Ford’s customers wanted “a faster horse”. If Henry Ford was selling us artificial intelligence today, what... more
An introduction to algorithmic aspects of symmetry and similarity, ranging from the fundamental complexity theoretic "Graph Isomorphism Problem" to applications... more
An overview of work on probabilistic soft logic (PSL), an SRL framework for large-scale collective, probabilistic reasoning in relational domains... more
There has been a proliferation of technological developments in the last few years that are beginning to improve how we... more
Mixed Signals: audio and wearable data analysis for health diagnostics Wearable and mobile devices are very good proxies for human... more
The advantages of computing for society are tremendous. But while new technological developments emerge, we also witness a number disadvantages... more