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Design Soapbox - A Design Thinking Podcast
Design Soapbox - A Design Thinking Podcast
Daniel Herron - The design soapbox is a weekly podcast dedicated to discussing relevant design trends, topics interesting for their creative implications, illuminating bad user experience in everyday products, and asking questions about design, creativity

Podcast by Daniel Herron - The design soapbox is a weekly podcast dedicated to discussing relevant design trends, topics interesting for their... more

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Ep.3 Finding Your Voice - The Design Soapbox

This is a podcast to build community and initiate conversations of authenticity around the field of graphic design. My hope... more

25 Nov 2015 · 1 hour, 8 minutes
Ep 2 -Pull The Trigger - The Design Soapbox

This is Episode 2 of a new design podcast. My name is Daniel Herron, and I hope to present ideas... more

18 Nov 2015 · 1 hour, 19 minutes
Design Soapbox - A Design Thinking Podcast
Ep.3 Finding Your Voice - The Design Soapbox
Design Soapbox - A Design Thinking Podcast
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