Voxology (Formerly the Vox Podcast with Mike Erre) is a collection of voices that question and discuss our culture's most relevant topics... more
Navigating Exile: A New Political Identity. This episode, Mike and Tim explore the themes of exile, political identity, and the... more
Good Trouble. In this episode of the Voxology podcast, Mike and Tim reflect on their holiday experiences, discussing family challenges... more
Preparing the Way. Today, the VOXOLOGY team explores the themes of family traditions during Christmas, the concept of exile in... more
A Kingdom of Exiles. WARNING: This episode talks about sexual abuse, racial discrimination and other topics that may be triggering... more
Exiles on Main Street. Today Mike and Tim explore themes of exile and displacement within the context of faith and... more
Are There Limits to Hospitality? Today, Mike and Tim are joined by the one and only Dr. Timothy Gombis to... more
Signs of a Healthy Church? Today on the Voxology podcast, Mike and Tim reflect on Thanksgiving and delve into the... more
Guerrilla Radio. Today, Mike Erre and Tim Stafford engage in a candid conversation about the complexities of navigating political conversations... more
Clipped from the end of episode 481, here is Mike reading the Sermon on the Mount in its entirety from... more
When We Want a King. Today, Mike and Tim discuss the recent political landscape following the election, emphasizing the importance... more